10. Mom

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

When Izuku's father was done beating him, he left Izuku in pain on the ground. The green haired boy was sobbing on the cold hard floor. "Next time don't be late." His father spat at him right before walking away. Izuku tried to get up but the beating was to much and the poor boy couldn't handle it and lost his consciousness.

A couple hours later Izuku gets up and everything is dark. He can't see anything. Suddenly he grabbed a knife and runs towards his mother. "Izuku honey, Is every thing Ok-" Inko's eyes widen. and suddenly Izuku wakes up. The greenette is breathing heavily. For a second there he thought it was real.

But then he looks down. His mom is laying on the floor covered in her own blood. Izuku's eyes widen with tears. He looks at his hands and sees that he is holding a knife. He imidiatly drops the knife and drops to his knees. The poor boy started crying and screaming so loud.


Izuku keeps shaking his Mother's lifeless body hoping that she would open her eyes.


Tears were streaming out of Izuku's eyes meanwhile his dad was smirking at the sight. He knows exactly what happened. He used his quirk to make Izuku do things against his will without even knowing it.

Izuku's POV.

No, no, no. Please mom i need you. Please don't leave me. Please.... your the only one that cares. "How disgusting. You killed your own sister and now your mother too."

He is right.

You killed your own sister.

And you killed your own mother now too.

Who's next?


"NOOO! STOP!" Izuku screamed out. "You can't stop what already happened." His dad started. "Your mother was so good to you and what das she get in return? A knife in her heart."

Your a monster.

You think that your dad is bad but he never killed anyone.

You deserve all the pain and so much worse.

You deserve everything that's being done to you.

No please stop, i didn't mean to kill her, i need her, I love my mom. I kept looking at my Mother's lifeless body and i can't help but feel so hopeless. I hate the voices but they are right. I deserve all the pain that is done to me.

3rd POV.

As Izuku is blamed for something his father did he can't help but believe it's his fault. Izuku dasn't know that his father has a quirk. His father and the voices kept talking and making him believe shit that isn't true at all.

After a couple of hours crying later Izuku was forced to clean his mothers blood off of the floor. But after all the crying he felt emotionless when he cleaned the blood of his hands. He felt like there was a piece of him missing.

Later that night Izuku couldn't sleep. He didn't know what to do. Everything he wanted to do felt wrong and sleeping wasn't an option. He then decided to go to the park again. Just like old times.

A bit later he was sitting on a bench in the park. He started crying again because of all the good childhood memories he had that flouted back inside his head. All the good times with Kacchan but also all the good times with his mom. When he was on the swing and his mother would push him or when he was on the slide and his mother waited for him at the end to catch him. Oh did Izuku miss those times.

Suddenly a voice spoke but it wasn't inside his head. "You sitting here again, kid?" Izuku turned his head to see Dabi. The greenette stayed silent. "What happened?" Dabi asked. "I don't want to talk about it." Izuku replied. "That's Okay, I understand." Dabi said calmly.

Hiii, dreamer here. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day. KEEP DREAMING! Dreamer out^-^

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