33. Back at the dorms

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

A week later Izuku was discharged from the hospital. He could go back to the dorms with Katsuki. Not that he looked forward to it, Izuku was terrifying. He couldn't stop thinking about what Katsuki would do to him. He wasn't supposed to go to school and he surely wouldn't go to his house now that his dad is back. 

The three of them were walking down the hall of the dorms making their way to Katsuki's and Izuku's dorm room. Mr.Aizawa was talking to Katsuki about Izuku's condition as Izuku himself was walking a couple of feet behind them. He couldn't hear what they were talking about, he was lost in his thoughts. But his chain of thoughts soon ended as they arrived at the door of their dorm. Katsuki and Aizawa walked in and took a seat in the kitchen to talk some more. Izuku on the other hand was hesetating to enter. He didn't want to go inside, It scared him. Katsuki scared him. With all the bravery he had he entered his dorm room and walked to his spot on the ground. 

"Bakugo, I want you to take care of Izuku." "What!? Why me?" "I know you don't want to. But you're gonna have to, You're the only one that spends the most time with him, That and you're his roommate." "Tch." Katsuki wasn't happy but he wasn't mad about it either. There was a little bit of relief in his heart to know that he was the one that had to keep an eye on Izuku. "Fine, but if I'm the one that has to keep an eye on the nerd then I want to know everything about his illness and all the other shit you keep behind." "Very well, Izuku's illness is something the doctors have never seen before. There is no cure for it and the doctors have no idea what it causes. They were able to manufacture a medication that makes sure it doesn't get any worse." "What does the illness do?" Katsuki questioned wanting to learn more about Izuku's condition. "It is actually quite cruel. The doctors actually need to run more tests on it but Izuku didn't want that. They think the illness gives Izuku night terrors. It is proven that it makes Izuku cough up blood, this can vary from a little cough to puking blood. We don't know much about it yet but it is important that Izuku take the medication daily, You understand?" Katsuki nodded. 

"Good, Now there is one more thing that the doctors are worried about." "And that is?" "While Izuku was in the hospital they found cuts on his arms, Izuku cuts himself." Katsuki was shocked, to say the least. "Here." Aizawa said as he placed a box on the table. "This is the medicine he needs to take." Katsuki grabbed the box and opened it. "A needle?" The blonde questioned. "Yeah, the medication needs to be injected directly into his blood. You think you'll be able to handle it?" Katsuki looked up. "What do you mean?" "Well, Izuku isn't a fan of his medication so you'll have to force it a bit." Katsuki didn't say anything. For some reason, he didn't like that.

After talking some more Mr. Aizawa left and Katsuki hid the medication away. When that was done the blond looked for his roommate. Izuku was curled up like a ball on his spot on the ground when Katsuki entered the bedroom. "Izuku?" Katsuki's voice rang throughout the quiet bedroom. Izuku looked up, eyes filled with pure fear. Now that Aizawa left he was alone with Katsuki and it scared the living chit out of him. Katsuki could beat him up and no one would ever know. Even if they did know, no one would do anything about it anyway. Katsuki came a bit closer and Izuku didn't like it one bit. "I heard about your condition." Katsuki started. "I also heard you still need to take your medication." Katsuki smiled trying to treasure Izuku but it had the opposite effect. Izuku didn't see it as a smile but as a smirk. Katsuki was smirking at him like he loved the face full of fear coming from Izuku. And now that he knows about the medication it was another way to torture him. 

But that wasn't Katsuki's intention at all.

(732 words)

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