34. Sleep

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"No, please Kacchan." Izuku was pleading with his childhood bully who was holding his medication. "Deku, You have to take you're meds!" Katsuki was starting to lose his patience. "Please, I don't want to take them!" "Why the fuck not!? They will help you, Deku." Izuku was full-on crying o the bathroom floor. Katsuki has had enough and got closer to Izuku to inject him with the medication. Izuku crawled backwards as far as he could but the wall stopped him. He was terrified. The smaller male tried to push him away but Katsuki was stronger. He grabbed Izuku's arms, pinned them down and used this opportunity to inject his medication. Izuku excepted defeat and stopped resisting. Katsuki sighed as he sat down on the cold floor next to the silent crying boy. 

"Why are you so afraid of your fucking meds?" Katsuki was pissed, He questioned why he was the one that had to put up with Deku's shit. After a while, Izuku explained. "It's not the meds I'm afraid of... It's what comes after..." Izuku said sleepy. "What the fuck are you talking about?" The taller male asked but Izuku couldn't reply. The poor boy already fell asleep with his head on Katsuki's shoulder. The blond cracked a smile as it warmed his heart, but from the moment he realized what he was doing he stood up and walked out of the bathroom leaving Izuku to fall over and sleep on the cold bathroom floor.

Darkness, it was everywhere. But Izuku didn't mind, He loves the darkness. He likes to see it as a big dark blanket that protects him from all the harm in the world. It was peaceful for him, It was quiet. Until...

What the fuck are you?

Izuku turned around and was face to face with Katsuki.

You're not a hero!

You're not a friend!

You're not a son!

You're not a childhood friend!

You're not a lover!

So what the hell are you?

Izuku's eyes widden, What is he? Katsuki is right, He isn't a hero or a friend. 

I-i don't k-know...

Let me help you with that.

You killed!

So you're a murderer!

You don't have a quirk!

So you're quirkless!

You don't have a mother!

So you're an orphan!

You don't have friends!

So you're alone!

You cry a lot! 

So you're a crybaby!

Izuku was full-on crying once again. He wanted it to stop, but he couldn't do anything about it. He tried to block out Katsuki's voice but he was just too loud. 

Please! Stop! I am not!

It will only stop once you accept what you are!

YOU KNOW WHAT I AM! I AM HEARTBROKEN! I am heartbroken over a love that never existed. I am afraid for my life every day, Afraid that I will love you forever. While you just use me. I should hate you but I can't, I love you too much for that.

Izuku looked up and saw Katsuki was furious. He stepped closer while Izuku took a step backward. 

Why!? Why do you always have to put your love on me like it is my fault that I don't love you back!

Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the throat and slammed him into the floor. 

I really hate you!

Katsuki was about to punch him but the poor boy just woke up.

"AHHHH!" He yelled out as he jumped up now clearly awake. His eyes were filled with tears and fear. His breath was unsteady as he remembered all the things Katsuki said. After a while, he was able to calm himself down. He stood up from the bathroom floor and made his way to the kitchen. He didn't dare to set one foot in there, all he could do was stare at the green apple laying in the fruit basket. Izuku was really hungry but he wouldn't risk it. Besides it's not like he deserves food. 

Izuku returned to the bathroom to see what of a mess he looks like. His hair was wild as ever, he had huge bags under his eyes and his lips were dry. He should probably drink something but he wouldn't nobody cares anyway. As he was about to leave the bathroom something caught his eye. It was shining in the light like it was calling for Izuku.

It was a razor blade.

(702 words)

Hiii, Dreamer here.

have you ever been in this situation? 

Loving someone that doesn't love you back?

Or getting the blame and guilt because you don't feel the same way?

Anyway, if there is ever anything and you don't have someone to talk to I'm always here. I'll try my best to understand you're situation and I'll do my best to help out in any way. 

I don't care who you are or what kind of problems you have okay?

you can talk to me❤.

Anyway, I hope you liked it and have a great day. I love you!!! Dreamer out^-^

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