32. Failed

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💭By Dreamer💭

Izuku's POV.

Pain, Everywhere. It was all I could feel. Was it meant to hurt this much when you die? I thought it would be peaceful. But then again it is really quiet, the voice in my head is gone. Suddenly I felt myself doing something I haven't done in a long time. I was smiling, and it wasn't a fake smile. It was real! I'm finally free! A wave of joy and relief washed over me. I don't have to hurt anymore! I don't have to survive every day anymore! 

I was so happy, but that happiness quickly ended when I heard a beeping noise. I tried to open my eyes and when I did I was met with a hospital room. My smile disappeared as panic started to set in. I wasn't dead! I'm still alive in this hell! NO! Please let me die! The beeping noise was starting to go faster. I don't want to keep living like this! Out of nowhere a bunch of nurses came into the white room and started to crowd around my bed. "He's panicking! We need something to calm him down!" Two nurses were trying to hold me down and a third one was holding a needle. "NO, PLEASE!" I started to scream. I don't want to go back to sleep! "Deku?" I froze when I heard Kacchan's voice. I looked at him with fear-filled eyes as he walked into the room. I don't want to go to sleep and definitely not when he's around! 

I managed to push the nurses off of me and rolled out of the bed. With a thud, I hit the ground. Everything was hurting but I couldn't stay here! An open window got my attention. I need to get there! The nurses tried to hold me down on the ground but I kicked them off again and started to crawl my way towards the window. I almost made it, I was so close! But Kacchan grabbed me and he was too strong for me to push off. The nurse could inject me with a sedative, And as I lost consciousness I knew I wouldn't be able to leave that easily.

As I opened my eyes once again I couldn't help but cry. The wet fat tears rolled down my cheeks. Why can't I do anything? Why can't I even kill myself right? Suddenly I notice something heavy on my lap, I looked down to see Kacchan with his head on my bed. I was scared at first but then I noticed he was asleep. I cracked a small smile and carefully put my hand in his soft yet spiky hair. He looks so tired, he has bags under his eyes.

A little back in time

Katsuki's POV.

I just came from Izuku's room and was walking to the hospital's elevator When I suddenly heard beeping noises and some nurses rush into Izuku's room. Panic shot through me as I was imagining the worst possibilities. I ran to Izuku's room and saw him crying and screaming on the hospital bed. "Deku?" I'm glad he is awake but he looks so scared It hurts to see him like this. I watched as he pushed the nurses off of him and rolled out of bed. I noticed he was going for the open window and I couldn't let that happen. I ran towards him and held him down in place as the nurse could inject something to calm him down. It was then and there I figured out what he was doing on the roof. He wanted to kill himself. But why? He always seems so happy. He's always smiling and shit, being fucking cute all the time. tch, what am I even saying? I hate him so much. Because of him, I haven't been able to sleep well these past few days. 

A nurse came up to me to thank me and to ask some questions. Mr. Aizawa just came into the room as well as he got the news Izuku woke up. "Bakugo? What are you doing here?" I looked with an annoyed expression at him and answered. "Can't I visit my roommate?" Mr. Aizawa didn't look surprised by my answer. "Are you the teacher?" The nurse asked and Mr. Sleepingbag nodded. "Sorry, we had it very busy but I finally found some time to ask you some questions." Aizawa took a seat and so did I. "Bakugo, why don't you go back to the dorms? I can handle things here." "Hell no! I'm the one that fucking found him so I'm staying!" Mr.Aizawa just sighed as the nurse started talking.

"He lost a lot of blood but we gave him a blood transfusion so he is stable at the moment we also noticed something... disturbing. I don't know if you're aware of Mr. Midoriya's illness?" Aiwawa nodded. "I am aware of his illness." What the hell are they talking about? "I'm not." The nurse completely ignored me and started talking again. "It isn't going well with him. He needs to take his medicine every day if he skips again it could become lethal for him. Also when he woke up he tried to end his life so it came to our intention that Mr. Midoriya suisadel is. We are going to keep him for observation a little longer but in about 3 days he could go back home and I suggest you get someone to watch him 24/7." The nurse finished her explanation and Mr. Aizawa was quiet. I think he already knew something was up but never mind that I want to hear more about that illness. The nurse left the room and Aizawa followed after her without saying a word. 

I turned my head to Izuku's bed. I grabbed the chair and went to sit on the side of his hospital bed. Don't worry nerd I'll look after you're stupid ass.

Hiii, Dreamer here! I hope you like this chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating for a while. I just had a lot going on but I think I got over it so I should be fine.

Please never end you're own life, you are loved!!! you just don't know it yet.

It you ever need anyone to talk to! I'm here for you, even if you don't know me!

Anyway, have a great day, I love you all❤ Dreamr out^-^

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