65. Threats

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"She was threatening death, her father murdered our family and now you are fucking?" 

"Rieka!" Jon gasped. 

"You totally are!" 

"Rieka!" Jon begged silencing her. 

"Yet you can't forgive Theon?"


"I love him. You need to get on board with this." Rieka demanded. "Then I will tolerate your queen." She added before marching off. 

"Rieka where are you-" Jon began but she walked up to Theon, kissing him for all to see. Jon didnt hear Cersei's declarations his ears were ringing. He had to have a talk with Theon now and he was going to hate every moment of it. 


"She conquered and vanquished. The didnt rule over places with grace and compassion. She did it with bloodshed," rieka reminded him. "I know you jon. You know better."

"She wants to make westeros great again. Like our father wanted to do!" Jon corrected.

"She wasnt going to help winterfell was she?" Rieka countered.

"She is-"

"Before. When you told her. That was why you took so long." Rieka realized.

"No. She kept me hostage." Jon admitted.

"And now you want to shove cock into her." Rieka agreed.

"Rieka just listen to me-"

"Shes not helping out of the goodness of her heart because she wants to protect Westeros, it is Because she gets something out of it." Rieka agreed. "We are ice we are frozen snowflakes." Rieka declared. " we are not fire she didn't care about us. No one cared about the north for ages. The Northerners didn't care about the rest of the world because we were so far away from the rest of Westeros." she reminded him. " she's doing this because she lost a dragon out of vengeance. And don't get me wrong. I'm glad she's vengeful right now. Because her fire breathing dragons will give us an edge. But the only reason she is helping is because she wants to fuck you." Rieka declared. 


"And do you really think he's going to be a good queen?" Rieka questioned. "Or you just think she's a pretty bitch."

"Rieka please-" Jon begged reaching for her.

"Stop trying to convince me and just talk to Theon like I have been asking you to because we are not okay until you just move on and forgive!" Rieka demanded. 

"Rie- Gods." Jon murmured. They were going around in circles and the longer it took for Jon to talk to Theon the more Rieka seemed to hate Daenerys. 

"What do you think of her?" Rieka questioned as they got closer to winterfell.

"Who?" Theon countered.

"You know who." Rieka countered. Theon shrugged.

"She is helping." Theon reminded her.

"I dont trust her." Sandor remarked.

"She likes Jon." Rieka added.

"Isnt that a good thing?" Theon countered.

"It is until it isnt. What happens when she grows tired of Jon? She wont care about winterfell or us anymore, she is only helping because she wants to fuck my brother." 

"The Boltons have a long lasting torture, I could give you some tips." Theon offered. Rieka laughed out. Robbie held the reigns slapping them happily.

"Another few days to winterfell." Theon remarked. "Are you excited?"

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