50. Run

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"We can't stop." Theon declared. They ran coming across a snowy river. Sansa faltered. " We have to cross here." Theon remarked. Rieka took a small step and gasped.

"Its fucking freezing!" Rieka corrected.

"Rie, we have to." Theon corrected holding tight to her hand.

"I can't." Sansa whimpered pulling back. "Rieka we cant."

"It's the only way to throw off the hounds." Theon corrected.

"But it's too cold. I can't. I won't make it. I'll die."

"What about the baby!" Rieka shouted. "Its not safe for my baby."

" I've seen what his hounds do to a person. This way is better." Theon corrected. Rieka took his hand. "I wont steer you wrong again." He promised and he helped her into the water, she shivered clinging to him as they crossed. She reached out a hand for sansa pulling her along.

"I got you." Theon assured over and over again.

By the time they got across they are blue with cold. Barking could no longer be heard luckily but Theon noticed something Rieka and Sansa did not.

"Over here. Come on." Theon lead Rieka and Sansa to an overturned tree. Its roots provide shelter from the snow. They sat down under the roots, shivering. Freezing. Rieka was so cold.

"They are coming." Rieka realized.

"Oh Gods they are going to kill us." Sansa sobbed.

"Sansa. Sansa." Theon cooed trying to keep her from having a panic attack. He wrapped his arms around rieka as sansa shivered into her sister. Rieka rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Dogs barking got louder, closer by. Sansa whimpered out. "Stay here. I'll lure them away."

"No, we won't make it without you." Sansa begged.

"Shes right." Rieka agreed. "Theon I need you."

"You dont need me. I have only ever messed up your life Rie... You will make it. Go north, only north. Jon is Lord Commander at Castle Black. He'll help you." Theon assured.

"Theon-" rieka rasped but Theon ran into the woods but was immediately confronted by House Bolton soldiers and hounds.

"Where is Lady Bolton?"

" Dead." Theon answered.

"Liar." The officer countered.

"She broke her leg jumping from the ramparts. I left her to die in the snow." Theon declared. But the dogs caught Sansa scent and began barking.

"Shit." Rieka whimpered. "Hey puppies... Avalon." She rasped. Sansa cowered as they found her. "Avalon!" Her wolf ran forward colliding with them and Rieka felt safe.

" I can't wait to see what parts Ramsay cuts off you this time." The solider smirked. He pulled Sansa to her a feet then Rieka but Avalon growled biting the man, good hirl rieka thought fondly. a horse whinnied in the distance and the soldiers drew their weapons.

"It's a bloody woman." The solider remarked laughing at the sight of Brienne.

But Brienne cut down the bolton officers as she rode past. Podrick engaged one of the soldiers in mounted combat. Brienne faced off with another mounted soldier. Their blades clash, but neither is hit. As Brienne rode past him, another soldier knocked her from her horse. She dropped her blade but scrambled to retrieve it when she saw a soldier advancing towards her on foot. When she reached the blade, the soldier kicked her. She retrieved the blade again and stood, engaging him in a swordfight. She cut him down.

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