47. I Believe You

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"You have... a... I dont know anything about babies. How long are they incubated for?"

"What?" Rieka countered. 

"You seem to be larger than Walda." Ramsay remarked. 

"I can't tell if she is pregnant or not so..." Rieka shrugged. 

"If you were a fat lard like her I would have cut you open and spilled out your innards." Ramsay informed her. Rieka forced a smile. 

"I believe you." Rieka agreed before marching off. She had to keep this baby away from Ramsay at all cost. 

"Why?" Sansa demanded when Theon came into her chambers placing a tray of food in front of her. ''Why, Theon?'' she demanded

'I'm not Theon. There is no Theon. Reek.'' theon whimpered

''Reek.'' Sansa agreed. ''Why did you tell him, Reek?''

''I was helping you.'' Theon whimpered ''You wanted to escape. There is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape.'' Theon told her he wouldnt meet her gaze, his eyes flickered around nervously. ''The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him and caught him and strapped him to a cross and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left.'' he sobbed out. Rieka heard the cries, thought Sansa was hurt she pushed open Sansa's door to see a whimpering Theon. And a furious Sansa.

" Good." Sansa agreed, venom in her voice. ''If it weren't for you, I'd still have a family. If I could do what Ramsay did to you right here, right now, I would." She threatened.

'' I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb. Captured Winterfell. killed those boys." Theon agreed. Rieka sighed, shaking her head, this had gone on long enough. 

''They weren't "those boys." They were Bran and Rickon. They were your brothers. You've known them since they were born." Sansa shouted.

''They weren't. They were only--'' Theon stopped himself.

''Only what?'' Sansa sneered .

''I can't.' Theon stammered.

''Tell me!" Sansa demanded.

''I can't, not unless the master says.'' Theon told her.

"I'm your masters wife. Tell me." Sansa corrected.

"I'm sorry-'

"Tell me." Sansa grabbing his face with a harsh grip. ''They weren't what? They weren't-- Tell me why Bran and Rickon should be gone while you still breathe the air. Tell me to my face, Theon.''

"It wasnt Bran and Rickon." Rieka answered, they turned to the door.

"What? You knew?" sansa rasped.

"I got them out." Rieka agreed. "We went seperate ways, I wanted to lead the hounds off their trail... But I still hated him. Theon. But he isnt really Theon anymore." Rieka remarked.

"What do you mean?" Sansa rasped.

''They weren't Bran and Rickon! I couldn't find them. It was two farm boys. I killed them and burned them so no one would know." Theon whimpered and Sansa let him go.

''You didn't?" Sansa whimpered out.

''I can't talk to you anymore.''


''Not Theon! Reek!" HE shouted running out the door it slammed closed behind him.

Rieka ran after him, she found in the kennels shaking and shivering, Avalon nuzzled against him. 

"I dont deserve your kindness." Theon countered. Avalon whined commanding pets. He reached out a shaky hand as Rieka came in. "I'm-" Rieka shook her head sitting beside him. 

"I can hate you and show compassion for you at the same time. I'm skilled like that." Rieka offered. 

"You were always too good for me, to good for this world." THeon whimpered. 

Rieka leaned into him. She didnt know what to say, he was filled with guilt, he couldnt breathe. 


"Our scouts tell us he's got no more than 6,000 men." Roose remarked. "More than half of those are mounted, however." he added looking around his commanders.

"And how high do Stannis's horses jump?" Ramsay offered smugly.

"Our walls have been fully repaired. The gates have been reinforced. We have enough food for six months. We are more prepared for a siege than they could ever be." Roose agreed. "All we have to do is wait for them to freeze, starve, and mutiny." Ramsey scoffed. "You disagree?"

"Stannis isn't from the North. You are, Father." Ramsay reminded him. "I think you're missing an opportunity to show the people of the North how House Bolton treats southern invaders." Ramsays gaze shifted to Rieka, he reached out for her. "Come my wife, you should know what is to come." Rieka begrudgingly put on a smile as she headed forward. "You are carrying my child after all... isnt it wonderful father?" Roose looked to Rieka's stomach, she tried to keep it covered but it was so hard now. "Must be twins or triplets perhaps with how large she is growing." Rieka swallowed the lump in her throat as Ramsay spoke. He couldnt know, could he?

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