3. Take if Off

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Theon woke up in Rieka's bed, her naked limbs draped over him. He held her closer smiling to himself. But then he remembered the royal family was coming today. Dread filled him. 

The imp was no kingslayer sure he had lands and titles to give Rieka, she would be lady of casterly rock if she married him. If Rieka married Theon what would he be able to give her? Love... was that enough?

"I can feel you over thinking." Rieka murmured kissing his chest. Theon looked down to her and a smile appeared on his worried face. "What's wrong?" 

"I love you." 

"I love you." Rieka echoed snuggling into him. "I'm not going to fall for Tyrion Lannister, dont worry." 

"Your father-"

"I love my father but he is not going to ruin my love life." Rieka assured. 

"I just love you so much and the thought of ever-" Theon was spiraling. Rieka could tell she could always tell. She straddled him her hands on his chest keeping him down on the bed, she smiled down at him.

"Theon, who's bed are you?"

"Yours." Theon agreed confused. 

"And who's body did I ravish last night and very early this morning?" Rieka pondered. 

"Mine." Theon agreed grabbing her hips. 

"And who found me the perfect guard dog?" 

"Me." Theon agreed again as her hand fisted his cock. 

"Who challenged Robb without hesitation for my hand?" 

"Me." Theon agreed watching her chest rise and fall, his hand reached up grabbing her breast. 

"And who always knows how to make me laugh and smile more than anyone else?" 

"Me." Theon sat up kissing along her neck. 

"Who has nothing to worry about because I love him more than anything?" Rieka grabbed his chin. 

"Me." Theon agreed pulling her hips down in a quick thrust onto his cock. She moaned out as he stretched her back open. She felt like first time, every time.


"Where is Rieka?" Catelyn questioned. "She needs her hair trimmed as well. RObb get your sister, she has been avoiding hair cuts for moons, she has too many split ends and I want to make a good impression." 

"If anyone is get close enough to see Rieka's split ends they are too close." RObb corrected. 

"Agreed." Theon declared. Catelyn glared between them. 

"I will get Rieka." RObb agreed running off. 

"I never take my shirt off when i get a trim." Rieka mused as she came in. Theon puffed his chest smiling back at her. 

"You dont need shaving." Andy, their barber corrected. 

"You dont know the work it takes to be a woman." RIeka corrected as she moved to Theon. "I liked your scruff." She whispered running her palm over his cheek.  

"Why's your mother so dead-set on us getting pretty for the king?" Jon questioned. 

"Wants to punish us all." Rieka pondered. 

"It's for the queen, I bet. I hear she's sleek as a mink?" Theon mused and Rieka rammed her hips back into him. "No woman can compare to you Rieka." Theon assured.

"I hear the prince is a right royal prick." Robb added.

"No shit, he's a prince, it comes with the title I'm sure." RIeka agreed. "Just a trim, like... barely-"

"My lady I wont cut your hair, your mother is coming." Andy corrected. 

"Hell Andy, give me a warning." Rieka countered. 

"That was your warning."  Andy mused. 

"Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick." Theon agreed again another ram back from Rieka's hips. "You ever think I like you ramming your hips into me?" Theon whispered holding her hips hostage to him. 

"Go on, Andy, shave him good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair." Robb remarked as Jon sat down. Jon threw a towel at Robb with a scowl. 

"Jon does have good hair." Rieka agreed. "It's not fair. So silky, soft, this is what a unicorns mane would feel like." Rieka recided as she stroked Jon's hair. Jon smiled up at her but Theon's eyes narrowed in. 

"Alright Rieka, stop petting Jon." Robb requested as Catelyn came in. 

"Scissors."  Catelyn held out a hand. 

"Just a moment, I need to take my shirt off." Rieka mused. 

"You are wearing a dress." Jon corrected. 

"Then I guess I'm taking-"

"Rieka!" Catelyn declared appalled. 

"I kid, I kid!" Rieka declared but she shot a wink back at Theon making him go red. 

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