35. Patience

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"I feel like I was just here, oh right!" Rieka declared before she dead panned looking around. "I was." 

When they made it to Winterfell it was a massacre of dead bodies and dead horses laying amongst the courtyard. Rieka sucked in a breath, this was a mess. 

"Dont get me wrong, Theon made a mess of this place but it didnt look like this when I..."

''200 Northman slaughter like sheep.''

''The dead will be repaid my friend, for them and for your sons.' Robb assured. Rieka felt sick. The smell of the rotting corpses and burned bodies. 

"What's that Robb?" RIeka whispered.  "I think they left us a message." Rieka remarked carefully moving around the bodies. 

''They rot in the ground when their killer runs free!' Castor shouted, glaring at Catelyn.

''The king slayer won't run free for long, he has hunters after him.'' Roose assured.  Robb remained speechless walking amongst his home. Rieka touched the banner and noticed the sigil, she glanced back at her mother. 

''Ser Jeremy, my father's Bannerman.' Catelyn noted a blade through his heart, a tully banner trapped between the blade and his body.

''Find her a chamber that will serve as a cell.'' Robb instructed and his mother was led away.

"You are locking mum up?" Rieka questioned softly. 

''She freed Jamie Lannister.' Robb reminded her, 'the Lannister robbed them of their lives and she robbed them of their justice.''

"You know best." Rieka offered. "I'm going to find a my chamber to sleep in..." Rieka whispered kissing his cheek. 

"You alright? You are really tired recently." Robb remarked. 

"Just the stress of everything." Rieka assured, not to mention the growing baby inside her that was of the enemies seed. 

"ALright, you take it easy." Robb agreed hugging her. "I have to," he gestured a hand around. 

"Yes, you do that, King." Rieka agreed. 


''We are at war this march is a distraction.' Castor told Robb.

''My grandfather's death is not a distraction.' Robb told him

'We should be riding to River runn, this is a distraction.'

''My uncle has his forces garrisoned there, we need his men.' Robb told him.

"Is Edmure really that good to lead a garrison?" Rieka countered as they packed back up. 

''Unless he's been breeding them it won't make a difference.' Castor scoffed.

''Have you lost faith in our cause?' Robb question castor

''I still got faith in you.'' He assured. 

''If you don't believe-' Robb began.

''I can believe until it snows in Dorne but it does not change the fact that we do not have the men.' Castor spat.

'It does not matter-'

'Have you been speaking your mind your grace?'

'Lord Caster...'

'You lost this one because your mother and you made a shit deal and you fucked it up, you chose a pretty cunt over your people.' Castor told him riding off.

"Well shit, catch me up." Rieka instructed. 

"I got married." Robb whispered. 

"Way to bury the lead," Rieka declared. "Who?"

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