49. Trustfall

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"I should have said it sooner." Theon remarked seeing rieka on the balcony. She turned to him. He loved that she didnt look at him with hate anymore.

"Yes?" Rieka questioned.

"Congratulations, Rieka." Theon whispered. She turned to him.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"I'm... you will be a wonderful mother."

"Thank you." She repeated.

"You are glowing. You seem... ready to pop. Has it really only been a few moons?" Theon questioned. Rieka laughed nervously.

''My lady. I've come to escort you back to your chamber.'' Myranda remarked and Sansa hesitated holding tighter to rieka.

"At crossbow point?" Rieka countered standing in front of Sansa. Sansa whimpered no, rieka needed to protect herself, she was with child after all but rieka would protect her family and she had just enough of this bitch.

''Go with her, please.'' Theon begged. Sansa was going to run, to flee but now she was going to die along rieka and her baby to be.

''Are you going to kill me? Because Ramsay has tossed you aside and i'm his priority now. I'm his wife and you are nothing." Rieka declared vengeance filling her. She was sick if being a hostage in her own home. "You honestly think he will praise you if I die? We are the key to the north you are a speck on this earth. A dirty useless speck."

''Die? Who said anything about dying?'' Myranda chuckled shifting the bow and arrow slightly. 'You can't die. Your father was Warden of the North. Ramsay needs you. Though I suppose he doesn't need all of you. Just the parts he'll use to make his heir but since you are well on your way to having a child... i will avoid the womb,'' Myranda moved her aim, taunting rieka, Sansa whimpered out. ''until you've given him a boy or two and he's finished using them. Then he's got incredible plans for those parts. So, shall we wait for him to come back or should we begin now?'' Rieka glared back at Myranda. Theon silently pleaded with her, rieka was his first love, he had not forgotten about what they had, he didnt want her to get hurt. Rieka was stubborn and impulsive. He didnt want her to bleed for this, for Ramsay. Theon bravely moved in front of rieka and saw the old him shining through what ramsay had turned him into. Her Theon.


''Bolton has women fighting for him?''

''I don't fight for the Boltons. I'm Brienne of Tarth. I was Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon. I was there when he was murderer by a shadow with your face." Brienne seethed down at Stannis. ''You murdered him with blood magic?''

''I did.'' stannis agreed

''In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?''

''Go on, do your duty.'' Stannis hissed, he was done with all this nonsense.

''Looks like we're done here.'' Ramsay agreed. soldiers groaned all around them

''I surrender! I surrender!''

''And I accept your surrender.'' Ramsay agreed killing the solider. ''Let's head back. My wife must be lonely.''

''You're leaving it to me? Good. Let's begin.'' Myranda smirked but Theon grabbed Myranda tussling with her ''Reek-- stop! Stop!'' Myranda shouted before elbowing Theon, he faltered back at step and riekas eyes went wide.

"Together." Rieka declared. Theon nodded and they rushed forward giving her a harsh shove and sending her over the edge and Myranda screamed out as she fell, landing with a thud, blood seeping from her. Horns blew and solider hollered out. Sansa stared down at Myranda's dead body before looking nervously to rieka.

"Oh my God..." Rieka whispered.

''Open the gate!''

'He's coming back.' Sansa said through a shaky breath. Rieka looked to the gates as Myranda bleed out below them.

"Come on." Theon said grabbing riekas hand. He lead them to the wall and she looked down at the snowy ground under them.

"Oh Gods," Rieka whimpered, Theon grabbed her hand.

"Rieka come on! We have to jump!"

"Jump?" Rieka whimpered. "Theon thats a long fall."

"They are coming back." Sansa warned.

"Rieka, trust me, I wont let you down again, I swear it!" Theon begged.

"This is a deadly Serious trustfall Theon." 

Guiltless / Theon GreyjoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ