34. One Sided Conversations

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"Oh my sweet girl!" Catelyn declared hugging RIeka. 

"Killing me." Rieka rasped trying to breathe through Robb and Catelyn's bone crushing hugs. 

"Bran and Rickon?" Catelyn questioned. 

"They got out, I sent them one way, I went the other trying to get the hounds to follow me." Rieka remarked. 

"Brave girl." Roose whispered. 

"Where did they go?" Catelyn demanded. 

"I dont know, I was going to bring them here, I hoped they would... head for Jon maybe." Rieka admitted. "They would be safe at the wall... Hodor was with them and... Osha." 

"Osha? THe wildling?" Robb questioned. "She tried to-"

"She's alright, I trust her." RIeka corrected. 

"Thank you lord Bolton for bringing my sister to me." Robb remarked shaking his hand. 

"Of course, glad I found her and not one of the lads." Roose assured. Rieka tensed looking to Robb. 

"You are safe here." Robb assured. "Lord Bolton, have you received word from your son?" 

"Yes, he infiltrated Winterfell, he cleared out the pests and is dealing with them now." Roose assured. 

"Theon?" Robb questioned. 

"Alive and squirming." Roose assured. "He is just waiting for a locale to deliver him to you, my king." Roose remarked. 

"My brother, a king." Rieka whispered holding onto him. "Missed you Robbie." 

"Missed you too Rie." Robb agreed. Robb felt like he could breathe just a little bit better knowing that Rieka was here and safe but knowing that his mother was a traitor wasnt helping his stress. 

"Did I hear someone shouting that Jaime lannister escaped?" Roose cut in. 

"My mother." Robb corrected. 

"I dont regret it, I would do it again." Catelyn declared. "I was trying to protect my family. Returning Jaime will get us our girls back."

"And if it doesnt?" Robb countered. "You gave up our leverage." 

"Hey I hate to be that person to break up the fight thats inevitable but I'm really hungry and tired, and..." Rieka looked around. "Any way I can get a real bed, my back is killing me from the forest floor."

"She can take my tent." Roose assured. 

"You are wonderful Roose." Rieka declared. "And food?" 

"I will get you something." Robb agreed. He knelt to pet Avalon and she licked at his hand. "Avalon had her supper." Robb remarked seeing the blood on her lips. 

"She's impatient." Rieka offered. "Come on Roose,-" Rieka yawned out. "-show me where this bed is." 

"Keep Avalon as-" Catelyn called after her. 

"Guard dog, I know. This isnt my first war." Rieka assured. Catelyn ran after her hugging her tight. 

"You will stay with me." Catelyn decided. "Thank you lord Bolton."

"Stop turning me around, you make me dizzy." Rieka remarked as Catelyn walked her back to her tent. 

"I missed you, Rieka. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Catelyn questioned once settled. Rieka pulled a blanket up around her. Catelyn brushed Rieka's hair from her face and Rieka cringed slightly. "Whats that?" she looked at the fading bruise and the healing cut on her forehead. 

"I'm okay, I just got loud." Rieka remarked. "They shut me up." 

"Oh Rieka!" Catelyn declared. "I knew that Greyjoy wasnt right!" 

"Mum," Rieka begged. "Can we not..." Roose attempted a knock on the tent flap and Avalon gave a bark. 

"King RObb got pulled into something, he wanted to make sure you got food." Roose offered. 

"Thank you, ROose." Rieka agreed taking the bowl from him. 

"Goodnight my lady." he added before heading out. 

"Rieka, if Theon-"

"I'm really tired mum, can I just eat and go to bed and I will talk to you in the morning, I swear it, I just... not right now. I just need to be..." Rieka sucked in a long breath and let it out slowly. 

"I understand... I have to talk to Robb but I will be right back..." Catelyn touched her cheek, smiling back at her. "Bran and Rickon..."

"They are strong." Rieka asured. "You and father raised some strong kids." 

"You heard about your father?" Catelyn whimpered and tears filled Rieka's eyes. 

"You heard about Rodrick?" Catelyn nodded. "He said he would say Hi to father for me." Rieka sobbed out as she clung to her mother. "I dont want him to be gone." 


''We should set a siege right outside of Harrenhal.''

''We should not set a siege, the mountain cannot defend against an army.' Robb told him.

"but a Mountain could... it if was tall enough." Rieka added. Robb looked to her. "Sorry, just gonna eat in silence." Rieka assured taking a bite of her bread. 

''The mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend.'' Roose remarked. Rieka nodded along. 

"Tywin does seem to have that sort of power." Rieka remarked. "From what I've heard... he shits gold too, thats fun... or painful- Sorry." Rieka whispered turning back to her food.  "I was alone in the woods for days before I got here," Rieka reminded them. "I'm a talkative person I need human interaction, Avalon is really only a one sided conversationist." Rieka looked around the group before pursing her lips and zipping them closed. Robb chuckled, it was good to have Rieka back. 

''The Lannister's have been running from us for months. I want to fight, the men will give a fight I don't think we are going to get one.' Robb declared and had his troops headed out once more, but they were going home this time.

"Winterfell baby!" Rieka declared. "Lets see if your son is as good as you think he is, Roose." 

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