22. Envy

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"It's okay RIe," Rickon assured. "They will be back soon and they will have father with them." Rieka smiled running a hand through his hair. 

"You are so right my little love." Rieka agreed. She had always been close with her brothers, always been a mother to them as was her duty she felt as the oldest daughter. But little Rickon was like her baby at times she pressed a slopy kiss to his cheek and he laughed out.

"Rieka, do I look alright?" Bran questioned as Hodor brought him in. 

"Handsome as always." Rieka agreed getting up and moving to him, she fussed with his hair slightly though. "Got a hot date I should know about?" She mused. 

"I'm lord of Winterfell now Rieka, I have to look the part." Bran reminded her. 

"I'm glad you are taking this seriously but remember you are not alone in this," Rieka reminded him. "Maester Lewin will be right by your side throughout the meetings, and Rickon and I are going to be right by your side. Whatever you need Bran." RIeka declared. 

"Thanks Rieka, I dont know what I would do without you." 

'The riverrunns are cutting back with Lord Tywin Lannister at the heels.' Robb said exasperatedly 'they have a second Lannister army coming from the south our scouts confirmed is even larger than the king slayers.'

'Our best hope, our only hope,' Catelyn told him 'is that you can defeat them in the field.'' Catelyn couldnt say goodbye to Rieka, she was mad her. Catelyn understood.. slightly. Rieka's anger thinking Catelyn started this war by taking an innocent man. 

'And if I lose?' Robb countered

'If you lose your father dies.' Catelyn told him 'your sisters die... we die.''

'Well that makes it simple then.' Robb agreed. He wondered how Bran was doing, knew RIeka would keep them safe, he looked to Theon and knew his mind was focused on winning this war so he could get back to Rieka too. 

''Our scouts have found that Tywin Lannister moves north.'

'we need to get him on broken ground so we can get around him.'' 

''No we need to stop him so we can stop Jamie Lannister at the siege of river runn do that and the river Lords will join us!' Umber said

'To do that we need to cross the river the only crossing is at the twins.' robb remarked

'Lord Frey controls that bridge.' Catelyn told them and she wasnt willing to make a deal with Frey. 

''So what should I be doing? move against Jamie? Or lord Tywin?' Umber questioned, Robb looked around the room, the youngest one in the room was in charge. Everyone looked to him. Lord of Winterfell. Robb knew his father was in a cell expected to rot or die and he wasn't going to let him just sit there, he was going to fight back. He was going to show everyone that he was the brave and smart man, the lord of winterfell.

'Pardon me my lords but we captured a Lannister scout!' a man said running into the tent. Robb looked over the man, he stood nervously before them. robb hatched a brilliant plan, he stepped forward staring down the Lannister scout.

'Let him go.' robb instructed 'tell lord Tywin Lannister that winter is coming for him. 20,000 northerners are marching south to find out if he really does shit gold.' With that the scout ran off.

'20,000?'' Umber began.


Rieka woke with feet in her face, she smashed back into her pillow confused before she grabbed the little foot and started tickling him. Rickon shrieked out with laughter. 

"What are your feet doing in my face?" Rieka declared flipping him around. 

"I was running in my dreams RIeka, I must have run on the bed!" RIckon laughed out. "Stop tickling me, you are killing me!" 

'The boy may lack experience battle but he does have a certain mindless courage,' Tywin said to his counsel as Tyrion entered sitting down and getting glass of wine.

'Continue I did not mean to interrupt' Tyrion told them adding food to the plate in front of him as well.

'I do hope your savages are going to be of some use otherwise we've wasted good steel.' Tywin remarked

'The great hairy one,' Kevan said 'insisted he must have two battle axes heavy black steel double sided.'

'He likes axes.' Tyrion said simply.

'When the battle commences you and your wildlings will be in the Vanguard.' Tywin told him.

'Vangurd?' Tyrion questioned.

'Me and the tribesmen on the front lines?' Tyrion questioned choking on his wine.

''They do seem rather ferocious.''


'If I'm going to lead this army I'm not going to have my mother doing the bargaining for me.' Robb told them

'I agree.' Catelyn said 'but I will go so she went to meet with Walder Frey.' She insisted, 'I know him, he knows my family he will listen to reason.' Robb agreed, all they had to do was wait. They couldnt rush this anymore, this war would rage on because they needed allies, they needed support, they needed trust. 


"There is nothing you can do for Rieka here." Robb remarked, seeing theon pacing.

"Yeah, I know. I know she is fine, safe at Winterfell, but I miss her. I'm worried still." Theon admitted. "I wish I was there, what if someone attacks?"

"Attacks winterfell? What purpose would they have?" Robb countered. 

"Take the castle while its weak, I dont want her getting hurt." Theon remarked. 

"When we get back, I think my father will have no quarrels about agreeing to your union." Robb told him confidently.


"You are a true friend and brother, Theon. I know how much Rieka loves you. After father sees all you have done to help, he would be a fool to say no." Robb assured.


'Lord Walder has granted you were crossing, his men are ours as well.' Catelyn said but she didn't look to happy about it.

'What does he want in return?' Robb questioned

'When the fighting is done you will marry one of his daughters.' Catelyn told him and Robb looked to Theon.

"Is there another way?" Theon offered.

'do you consent?' Catelyn asked.

'Can I refuse?' Robb asked. Catelyn shook her head, no. 'Then I guess I consent.'

"I do not envy you." Theon told him honestly. 

"Rieka would start castrating people if you came back with a wife." RObb informed him. 

"I believe you are right about that." Theon agreed cringing at the thought of losing his cock. 

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