63. Horror

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"You're the Lady of Winterfell."

"I'm not. Arya likes to make that clear. Jon choose Rieka. The King choose Rieka to rule in his absence." Sansa hissed.

"And yet... rule you have." Petyr added. "The men look to you. You ruled wisely. They see that. They respect you. Some may even prefer you." Petyr assured.

"Because they dont like that Rieka trusts Jon. They changed their minds and dont want a bastard as king..." Sansa murmured. "Yes they trust me, respect me, they turned their backs on Jon Snow when it was time to retake Winterfell and then they named him their king and now they're ready to turn their backs on him again. How far would you trust men like that?" Sansa countered "If they found out I wrote that letter a woman who's already married not one but two enemies of her House. By the time Jon comes back, he'll have no army left." Maybe Sansa needed Rieka gone. That would help. If RIeka left, Sansa could truly be in charge.

"Arya is not like them. She's your sister. You may have disagreements, but she would never betray her family." Petyr reminded her.

"She would if she thought I was going to betray Jon." Sansa corrected

"Is that what she thinks?"

"I don't know what she thinks. I don't know her anymore." Sansa admitted

"Perhaps Lady Brienne can help. She's sworn to protect both of Catelyn Stark's girls. Did she not?"

" She is." Sansa agreed slowly.

"And if one of you were planning to harm the other in any way, wouldn't she be honor bound to intercede?"

Gendry fell, exhausted. The gate opened before him and four men ran to meet him. "What happened? Where are the others?" Davos questioned helping him up.

" Raven. We need to send the raven." Gendry panted out.

"Get the maester! Now!" Davos shouted.

"My lady." Wolkan remarked handing over a scroll to RIeka, she grumbled rolling out of bed. Theon was nice and warm and the castle was always so cold first thing when she was snuggled up under the covers. 

"This better be good." Rieka grumbled.  "Oh... this is good." She agreed.

"My lady?" he questioned as she read it over.

"It's an invitation. To King's Landing." Rieka remarked. "Find sansa for me."

"Right away my lady."

"Robbie honey, how do you feel about a trip to kings landing?"

"Doot!" Robbie declared.

"Sounds like a yes to me!" Rieka agreed.

"What?' Theon questioned. 

"Cersei wants the lady of winterfell to come to the capital. I have never been." Rieka remarked. "But I'm going send Sansa."


"Because she has been claiming for moons that she is the queen, she is in charge even though she hasnt done anything besides try to stab me in the back, so I'm sending her, or at least pretending to." 

"oh..." Theon answered still confused. 

"I want to see Jon. I want to see the capital... I want to go but only if you go with me." Rieka countered. 

"Of course. I'm with you no matter what."


"What do you think?"

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