61. Rookie Mistake

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Things I wish You said/ Gregor Clegane / Vaera Targaryen out now!

When Arya finally saw Winterfell it made her heart stop. She was home.

''Where are you going?''

''In there I live here.'' she told the guards

''Fuck off.''

''I'm Arya stark this is my home.'' she told him but the guards laughed out.

"arya stark is dead.'' they told her

''Send from maester Lewyn or ser Rodrick they'll tell you Who I am." she said confidently. Podrick glanced to the front gates.

''There's no Rodrick here.''

''Go ask Jon Snow then the king in the north he's my brother.'' Arya demanded.

''He's 1000 miles away look it's cold and we're busy so you know best fuck off.'' guards told her.

''If Jon's gone who's in charge of Winterfell?" Arya countered.

''The Lady of Winterfell.'' he told her obviously ''lady Stark.''

''Which lady Stark?"

''You tell us you're the one impersonating her sister.''

''Tell Rieka that her favorite sister is home." Arya snapped.

''Lady Rieka is too busy to waste your breath on you just like us, for the last time fuck off.'' One of the men went to grab Arya but she easily dodged out of his grasp.

"Arya?" Podrick questioned. He had met her briefly but it looked like her. If this was Arya Stark then she was home. Podrick moved closer to the gates.

''I'm getting into this castle one way or another if I'm not who I say I am I won't last long but if I am and my sister finds out you turned me away..." Arya warned.

Arya kept glancing at the men. They looked uneasy back at her. They brought her inside of the gate nodding to a cart for her to wait at while they debated what to do.

"You sit there. Right there. Don't move." Arya stared back at them as they moved out of earshot.

"Go tell Lady Stark. I'll watch her."

Arya glanced around Winterfell. Men are working building tools and cutting wood. Arya looked over and saw a Stark flag sigil hanging from the wall. They held the castle again.

"Arya?" Podrick questioned.

"I know you." Arya recalled.

"I can take you to Lady Rieka." Podrick agreed.

"Finally someone with a brain." Arya agreed. "lead the way."

Rieka was sitting at a table reviewing documents, her brain hurt, she wasnt meant for leadership, she was the fun one, the rule breaker... she was not cut out for lady of winterfell status.

"Theon I can't." Rieka whined, "it's too much."

"You are doing great." Theon countered. She shoved the papers at him.

"You figure it out, I need a break." She countered. Theon picked up the quill as she ran a hand over her face trying to make the migraine go away when the guards came in, explaining what had happened. She stared back at them silently.

"We told her to wait. We were standing right next to her."

"When we turned around she had gone, My Lady. She was nothing. Some winter town girl."

" She comes in asking for Ser Rodrick and Maester Llewyn."

Rieka looked between them annoyed. Theon reached out a hand stroking it over her thigh.

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