59. Trap

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"Jon is going to accept." Rieka murmured. 

"What?" Theon questioned. 

"He's going to die, I can feel it, if he leaves I'm never going to see him again, He is... Theon..." Rieka whimpered. 

"What happened?" Theon begged as he held her. 

"Dragonstone, where the bitch is holding out, has dragonglass, go figure." Rieka muttered. "Jon wants to go and..." THey heard shouts. "Seems like I"m not the only one thinking this is a bad idea.' Rieka muttered moving swiftly to the commotion. 

''We need this dragon glass, my lords! We know that dragon glass can destroy both white walkers and their army. We need to mine it and turn it into weapon. But more importantly, we need allies! The Night King's army grows larger by the day. We can't defeat them on our own. We don't have the numbers. Daenerys has her own army and she has dragon fire. I need to try and persuade her to fight with us. Ser Davos and I will ride for White Harbor tomorrow, then sail for Dragonstone.' Jon told them trying to settle them to no use. 

"Jon!" Sansa demanded "Have you forgotten what happened to our uncle and grandfather?' Sansa sassed. 'The Mad King invited him to King's Landing –'

'and roasted him alive!' Davos agreed.

'- I know that. She is here to reclaim the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. The North is one of those seven kingdoms.' Jon told her.

'This isn't an invitation; it's a trap.' Rieka declared.

"AYE!" Tormund declared

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"AYE!" Tormund declared.

''It could be a trap, but I don't believe Tyrion would do that." Jon remarked he looked to rieka but still couldnt look at him. She was never one to hold her tongue.

" I remember the Mad King all too well. A Targaryen cannot be trusted.'

'- Nor can a Lannister.'



"We called your brother king. And then he rode south and lost his kingdom. Winter is here, Your Grace. We need the King in the North in the North.'

'Aye!' they agreed and started pounding their fists on the table. Rieka hoped Jon would see reason, hoped he would see that this was stupid that he was putting his life in danger.

''You all crowned me your king. I never wanted it. I never asked for it. But I accepted it because the North is my home. It's part of me, and I will never stop fighting for it, no matter the odds. But the odds are against us. None of you have seen the Army of the Dead. None of you. We can never hope to defeat them alone. We need allies, powerful allies. I know it's a risk. But I have to take it.' Jon told them confidently.

'Then send an emissary. Don't go yourself.' Sansa begged. 

"Thats a great idea!" Rieka agreed eager to keep jon here where it was safe. 

'Daenerys is a queen. Only a king can convince her to help us. It has to be me.' Jon told them.

''You're abandoning your people! You're abandoning your home.''

'I'm leaving both in good hands.' Jon assured.

' Whose?' Sansa questioned. Jon locked eyes with Rieka, she slowly met his gaze swallowing the lump in her throat.

''You Rieka. You're the eldest and most responsible Stark in Winterfell. Until I return, the North is yours.' Jon told her and sansa was fuming.

"I dont want it." Rieka countered. "I want you to stay." She whimpered.

"I will take it!" Sansa demanded.

"A word Jon?" Rieka countered softly. He nodded. "Jon they burned... Our family. I cant stay here while you go into the flames." Rieka whimpered. "I cant lose you Jon. I cant lose you Jon, sansa and I only tolerate each other," She mused. "You are my Jon, my buddy, my friend... my brother... I won't lose you."

"You wont lose me. I promise." Jon assured hugging her tight.

"Dont make promises you cant keep." Rieka whimpered.

"I will be back," Jon declared as he hugged her. "I will." Jon agreed. She sobbed into him. "Oh sweet heart," Jon whispered holding onto her. "I love you Rieka."

"Dont go. Please, dont go." Rieka whimpered. "Jon I need you. I need you to stay."

"If I stay we all die." Jon countered.

"What if you leave and we die either way because she kills you?"

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