25. Proud

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'The king of the north.' Jaime remarked 'I keep expecting you to bring me to one castle or another for safekeeping... you keep dragging me camp to camp.' Jamie noted he was chained up to a post when Robb approached him. 'have you grown fond of me stark? Is that it?' Jamie teased

'If I left you with one of my Bannerman your father would know within a fortnight and my Bannerman would receive a raven with a message release my son and be rich beyond your dreams refusing your house will be destroyed root and stem.' Robb remarked through a clenched jaw.

''You don't trust the loyalty of the men following you to battle?' Jamie asked

''I trust them with my life.' Robb clarified 'just not with yours.''

''Smart boy.' Jamie admitted 'what's wrong? Don't like being called boy you're a big man now...' The growling was heard and Jamie turned his head peering around the post he was stuck on.

'You said it yourself king slayer. You have been defeated by a boy, you have been held captive by a boy. Perhaps you will be killed by a boy.' Robb said walking around him 'Stannis Baratheon sent ravens to all the high lords,' his wolf grey wind came in staring threateningly at Jamie 'in the West they declared that King Joffrey Baratheon is neither true king nor true Baratheon... he is your bastard son.' Robb told him confidently.

'If that is true.' Jamie said slowly, 'then Stannis is the rightful King how convenient for him.'

'My Father learned the truth. That is why you had him executed.' Robb said sternly.

''I was your prisoner when daddy lost his head.' Jaime told him but Grey snapped forward and Jaime jerked his head back hitting it on the post he was connected to. He felt his heart race as the wolf stepped back to Robb's side.

'Your son killed him. Your son Joffrey killed my father!' Robb told Jamie 'you fathered him and you pushed my brother from a window because he saw you with the queen.' Robb told him confidently

'Do you have proof?' Jamie asked 'do you want to trade gossip like a couple of wives?'

'I sent a cousin of yours down to Kings Landing with my peace terms.'

'Do you think my father is going to negotiate with you?' Jamie asked incredulously. 'You don't know him very well.'

'Yes but he is starting to know me.' Robb countered.

'Three victories do not make you a conqueror.' Jamie told him

'It's better than three defeats.' Robb nudged Gray forward and he snarled in Jamie's face before turning away Jamie lean back into the post trying to get further away from Grey wind, as Robb walked off.

"How do you think Rieka is doing?" Theon questioned. 

"You ask it every day, a million times a day." Robb remarked. 

"I miss her." Theon agreed. "Shes my world." 

"I know she is, which is why... as lord of winterfell once we win this... we will have a serious talk about you marrying my sister." Robb agreed. 

"Really?" Theon declared. 

"After." Robb corrected. "We need to win this first, I need you focused here."

"Of course, my lord!" Theon declared. 

'And it's not just thieves, My Lord. There's wolves in them hills now, more than I've ever seen. They come down in the night and they kill my sheep.' Bran was the lord of winterfell which meant hearing the requests and pleas of his people while robb was fighting. Rickon was not happy he was smacking a large rock into walnuts.

'Bam, bam," Rieka whispered. "Come on honey, Bran is trying to work," Rieka hushed Rickon, pulling him into her lap. Rickon reached for another walnut.  "Hush love you are giving Bran a headache." She mused seeing brans pinched face. He smiled over at her. Rieka peppered Rickons face with kisses. 

"This is boring." Rickon whispered. 

"I know but I didnt want Bran to suffer alone." RIeka offered reaching out and stroking Bran's hair. 

''My three sons are away fighting for your brother, My Lord. They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home. I have no one to man my flock now. Only me. I can't keep watch all day and all night.''

''We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room and board.' Bran suggested.

Rieka looked over at him so proud, he was doing a good job being Lord of Winterfell. After the news of their fathers death they were all quite miserable and Rieka was glad she wasnt a man, she couldnt just bouce back from their fathers death and act like nothing was wrong. Bran tried to put on a brave face, he knew people were looking up to him now. But he was scared too, Rieka saw it. 

Rieka missed Robb and Theon more than ever now and wondered if they were safe, when this bloody war would be over. She worried for Sansa and Arya but she knew Robb and Theon were going to get justice. She just wanted to be apart of it. She felt useless being here when she could do something, anything to help them. She didnt know what. She knew taking care of her brothers were most important.

In the meantime Bran was trying his best and Rieka was so proud of him, he was a kind boy and he would make a great leader one day.

'My wife always prayed for more children. We'll look after them. Thank you, My Lord. And may the Gods bless you and yours.' He said walking off happily

''If that's everyone, I'm going to go for a ride before dark.' Bran remarked. Rieka nodded helping Rickon up. 

'Good.' Maester lewin agreed


''Hodor.' Hodor repeated

'Bran ... Lord Stark.' Rodrick corrected 'Torrhen's Square is under siege. Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here.''

''How can the Lannisters strike so far north?'' Rieka questioned confused, she pulled Rickon closer as though a herd of lannisters would come through the doors and kill them right this moment. 

'Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain. Might be Sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister.' Rodick told them.

'We have to help them.' Bran said immediately.

''Most of the fighting men are away with Robb, but I can gather 200 decent men.'' Rodrick assured. 

''Do you need so many?' maester lewin countered

''If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they protect us? Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need.' Bran encouraged

"Such a good leader." Rieka whispered giving Bran's shoulder a squeeze. 

''Won't take long, My Lord. Southerners don't do well up here.' Rodrick assured nodding to Rieka.

"Be careful." Rieka added. She looked to Bran but his confident facade faded. She brought a gentle hand to his chin lifting his face to her.  "Bran you are a true leader, I'm so very proud of you. Father would be too." 

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