Worth It?

336 28 16

Blue was trapped in the moment. Horror was having a feral spell again and had the poor guy in his lap, caught in an almost deadly hug. Nightmare and Error were trying to get him out of it... but the results were mediocre at best. It had been no surprise for Nightmare and Horror that Error had joined the ranks as one of Blue's boyfriends, but Horror could get possessive, and when he got possessive, things like this happened. Hence, Blue is stuck in the biggest of bear hugs. "how's it going over here?" Killer and Dust came into the living room where one proceeded to turn the other way, and the other came to see the chaos. Horror growled and tightened his grip. Blue wheezed as the pressure increased. "killer, get out - you're making things worse." Nightmare ordered. "but i know how to get him to release the little guy. don't you want that?" Killer asked, prompting the two godlike beings to look at each other and step back. Killer moved forward and crouched down. Horror's grip tightened, and Blue whined in pain. Killer scratched his his chin and slowly made his way up to the hole. As soon as he got to the edge, Blue was released and tumbling away. Killer caught him, smiling. "now you owe me two dates." He winked at Blue.


Blue was a tough opponent. Working with him as long as they have, Dream and Ink knew this. They couldn't let this continue, though. So, with some help from Sci, they devised a trap to catch their old friend in to get him back home. Hopefully, they could break the spell that Blue was under, and things would go back to how they were before he'd been kidnapped by the enemy. Dream blamed himself. They should have stayed with him and made sure he got home safely. Stretch was probably worried to all hell. The Star Sanses were supposed to be the good guys, but due to their negligence, they had lost their closest friend. Dream was always losing people... wasn't he..? "dream! help me with this, won't you?" Ink called from where the trap was being set. "yes, i'm coming!" Dream went to help as he tried to brush off one last lingering thought. Was it even still worth it if it meant losing those you love..?


"what was that about?" Nightmare asked as he patched Blue up from any sort of injuries he might have sustained while being overly affectioned. "It Seems... Killer Also Has A Thing For Me..." Blue replied. Error chuckled softly. "b-oo is ge-tt-ing al-l th-e bit-che-s." ("boo is getting all the bitches.") Nightmare and Blue both snorted at that. "I Guess I Am- I Mean, It Just Leaves Dust That Isn't Crushing On Me In Some Way, Shape, Or Form, Right?" Blue pondered the question. "that is correct, though i don't see it ever happening. dust barely tolerants you, my dear berry." Blue sighed softly. "I Know. I'm Not Asking Anything Else Of Him Either." Blue swore softly as a particularly sore spot was pressed against a little too hard. Nightmare apologized immediately. "when will you go on that first date?" He asked as he finished up. "After Error And I Get To Know Each Other More Is My Thoughts... Plus None Of Us Really Had A Date Yet... I Feel Bad..." Nightmare kissed Blue softly. "i am a busy man, planning a date with me is difficult, i understand... don't worry too much about it..." Blue kissed him back gratefully.

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