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By the time backup came, Dust had cleared the area and Blue was observing from the sidelines. They looked unharmed the Star Sanses nowhere to be seen. "what happened here? where's the stars? are you both ok?" Nightmare wanted an explanation. "it was taken care of... the stars had me but blue swooped in and we chased 'em off." Blue came over to verify the story. "They weren't expecting me to fight against them, so they retreated. I highly doubt it will be so easy next time. Dream believes there was a spell cast on me too. He hasn't realized that the original spell was broken." Nightmare nodded. "as long as both of you are alright, i'm glad things didn't escalate." The pair nodded in agreement. It could've been a lot worse, simple as that. The Bad Sanses continued forward, finishing off the monsters in the AU before Error collapsed its code. With that, his first mission back as a Bad Sans was over. It had went pretty well, he'd gotten a good stash of healing items for everyone in general, yarn for Error, more knives for killer, and a few items to furnish the castle. It's not like the AU would be using all this anymore.


"w-he-re th-e he-ll d-id y-ou-" Error stared at the abundance of yarn that Blue held in his arms. "THE AU, OBVIOUSLY! I got lots of stuff since it wasn't going to be used anymore!" So that's what Blue was doing while they were murdering people? Stealing items? "KILLER, GET YOUR TAILBONE OVER HERE, I GOT KNIVES!" Error blinked as the yarn was dumped into his arms, running after the Murder Time Trio's leading Sans. Error felt his face heat up due to Blue's unexpected generosity. He supposed he should use it for something now. Maybe a gift for Blue or something. He should probably talk to Nightmare, seeing as they were together. He didn't want him to think he was hitting on his boyfriend or something. "hm? error, why are you nervous?" Error held up the yarn. "b-lu-e g-ave thi-s t-o m-e a-an-d... i-i u-h..." Nightmare chuckled, shaking his head. "he's always been a bit of a kleptomaniac, stealing his brothers cigarettes to get him to stop smoking. if you want to make him something, go right ahead, i'm not stopping you."


"I'm not a kleptomaniac." Error left to start his project and Blueberry popped seemingly out of nowhere. "I can resist the urge not to steal. They just weren't going to be using that stuff no more so I gave it some use! Speaking of-" He pulled out a few books. "I thought you might take interest in these!" Nightmare tugged Blue close, making him blush. "oh i know i will~" Nightmare pulled Blue into an eager kiss. "It is nice of Error to want to make me something, but I'm just trying to get a taste of their interests so we can further get along!" Nightmare chuckled. "you are doing a fine job, blue. horror and killer already enjoy your company and error trusts you. dust even has a small amount of respect for you." Nightmare took the books and the pair took a shortcut to the library. "you've said before that your poly, correct? do you believe you would find another love interest amongst the others?" Nightmare asked. "Would you be mad if I did?" Blue asked with equal curiosity. "you can love who you want, berry. i know what i signed up for the moment i kissed you."

Informant (Blueberry x Bad Sanses)Where stories live. Discover now