Yeeting Blades

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Blue was up bright and early. It had been an eventful first day back but it was time for him to catch up with his training. Horror and Killer would join him later to teach him to throw knives and axes. For now, though, he was kicking ass at boxing. It wasn't long before the punching bag he'd targeted was swinging wildly and breaking under his punches. "woah there tiger, what did the punching bag ever do to you?" Tentacles wrapped around the punching bag, slowing it down and stopping it as sand started to spill from the tears Blue had made. He unhooked the punching bag and handed it off to Error as he and the Trio watched on. "you've grown stronger. i am ready." Blue's grin widened as he roundhouse kicked Nightmare, who blocked it with a tentacle. Blue gave Nightmare his all, every punch, every kick was blocked with his hands or tentacles. "strong enough to come with on the next mission."
"I don't kill." Blue reminded his lover. "i know. but you can still assist, if you would like. if you are willing to go against the stars." Nightmare replied. "They were kind to me, but I will do what I have to in order to protect you."


Nightmare and Blue stopped after awhile. "go ahead, throw some blades. error, dust with me." The two followed Nightmare as Killer bounced over to Blue. The smaller chugged down some water after his workout. "OK! LET'S GET TO THROWING SHARP OBJECTS!" Killer handed a knife over to Blue. "ok first your stance. you can't be too close or too far from the target, not when first starting out. try not to flick your wrist, release the blade when it's angled like so... ok! now give it a shot!" Killer gave Blue room to throw. And throw he did. With a thunk, the knife sunk deep into the target. "holy-" Blue hummed. "I told you I was a quick study. Though... I was a little off in my aim." Horror huffed. "damn well close enough. you were at least four inches off the bullseye." Blue smiled at Horror. "Very true, but I would like to keep practicing until I get closer before I move on to axes?" Horror and Killer both nodded as Killer got the knife for Blue. "throw to your souls content."


Knife after knife went into the target. Blue determined that he enjoyed knowing how to throw knives. How fun would it be to learn how to throw an axe? "Ok. Is throwing an axe different from throwing a knife?" Horror chuckled as he stepped up to bat. "yes and no." Killer took his knife back while Horror handed off the axe. "like knife throwing, it isn't about force. you gotta keep your arm straight, pull the axe back towards you and release at ninety degrees, don't forget to follow through." Horror warned. "Understood." Horror, after seeing how he handled knife throwing, had no doubt that he was gonna be great with an axe. And he was absolutely right. Like with the knife, the axe dug firmly in the wood. Once again it wasn't on bullseye, but practice would fix that in time. Blue got the axe so he could try again. "I will get knife and axe throwing down if it's the last thing I do! Mweh heh heh heh!" He laughed confidently as he threw the axe again. "we have confidence you can, blue." Horror stated. "you got this little guy." Killer agreed. Blue threw the axe again.

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