Error's Date

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Blue knocked on Error's door. It was about time they start with a date, nothing major, just a little outing to see how Error felt about Blue. See if he wanted to try joining the poly, no touch involved, of course. Error cracked open the door and peaked out at him curiously. "bl-ue..?" He was already starting to blush. "Hey Error! Wanna Have A Picnic In Outertale?" He knew Error was comfortable there. Error's eyelights lit up a bit and he nodded shyly. "I'll Go Make Us Sandwiches And Snacks Then, Ok? Let Me Know When You Are Ready To Go, Alright?" Error nodded and Blue left him to get the picnic ready. Ham and turkey sandwiches with grapes, crackers, carrots, chocolate, and some ranch for the carrots. Nightmare and Horror were both happy to help him out, Horror with a promise of a date with him soon. Blue was happy to oblige him. Error eventually poked in and Blue kissed his boyfriend's goodbye before they went to do as they wished. "i bro-ught a b-ask-et..." Error offered a weaved light brown basket to Blue. "Oh! Thank You, Err!" Blue gladly took it and started pack.


They went to Outertale after that and set up in Error's favorite spot. "Comfortable?" Blue asked. Error nodded quickly. "y-es! th-tha-nk y-ou..."
"Yes, Of Course. I Would Like You To Be Comfortable, Error." Blue pulled out a sandwich from the basket and offered it to him. "How Was Your Morning?" Blue asked. Error took it carefully and gratefully. "f-in-e. y-our-s?" Blue grabbed himself a sandwich. "It Was Good, I Spent It With My Boyfriend's So I Certainly Can't Complain!" Blue replied before he started to eat. Error took that as a sign to start his as well and there was a short silence. Once Blue finished, he started conversation once more. "Speaking Of Though, You Are Very... Cute. I Was Wondering How You Felt About Me?" Error instantly turned yellow and started to stutter out unintelligibly. "Woah, Woah- Hey It's Ok! Take Your Time, Ok?" Error closed his mouth and nodded. He took his time to calm himself, picking away at the snacks. Blue filled the silence random stories of his past and how much he's enjoyed being back with Nightmare. "b-lu-e?" Blue paused at Error's voice. "wa-nn-a d-da-at-e-ate y-ou..."


Blue was happy to hear it. "I Understand Your Boundaries And I Know Nighty And Horror Knows Your Boundaries. Still, If There Is Anything Else, Don't Hesitate To Tell Us, Alright?" Error nodded. "w-ann-a te-ll th-e-m?" He asked. Blue did, but... "Only If You Want, This Is Your Time, Err..." Error paused a moment as if contemplating it. "w-wan-na te-ll a-ll y-ou-r- ou-r?- bo-yfr-ien-ds..." Blue nodded and started to pack up while Error made a portal. They went back to the mansion and put the basket into the kitchen before going to Horror's room to check if he was in there. He wasn't in there so they went to Nightmare's room to no avail. It was Nightmare's Office, where they found the two, kissing. Error glitched out while Blue smiled. They could tell them later. For now, they would give the two new lovers some space. Error led Blue to his room to talk about their new relationship and sew. This really and truly a good start of their poly.

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