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Killer dragged Blue off after breakfast, much to Blue's amusement and Nightmare's curiosity. "what was he like, before?" Killer asked as he let go of Blue and spun to face him. "Huh? Do you mean Nightmare?" Blue asked. Killer was already nodding. "did the boss change at all since you last saw him? is he friendlier? meaner?"
"Lonelier." Killer looked at Blue. "He had been very lonely and very scared of others. I can see that you boys have helped him a lot since the last time I was here. Thank you!" Blue smiled brightly at Killer. Killer blinked. "what about you? what were you like back then?" Blue chuckled. "Curious one, aren't you? Well, I haven't changed much either. I'm not a traditional Bad Sans. I don't kill. I do, however, pull my weight in other ways for Nightmare's gain. You'll see what I mean on our next mission." Blue informed Killer with a wink. "Is that the only reason you dragged me out here then?" Killer shrugged. "i guess. i was mostly just curious about you and boss since you were the first of us, according to boss." Blue giggled mischievously. That was for him to know and Killer to find out.


Killer followed Blue around, which he didn't mind in the least. He was more humored by it than anything. Killer really didn't say anything. He'd asked his questions. Now he seemed to be just... observing Blue in his daily routine of cleaning the place up and watering the garden. Blue still preferred to be productive over lazing about like his brother... Blue chuckled. Papyrus certainly couldn't  seem to be able to live without Blue, he couldn't imagine how Papyrus was reacting to him being gone. Blue was rather glad to be gone, he loved he brother but he liked this more. Having his freedom to be with his real friends without judgment. He was able to use all his power without restriction here, he could say what he wanted without offending Nightmare at least, he wasn't being monitored- he looked at Killer who tilted his head- a lot. Blue was free here and he liked it that way. "whatcha thinking about?" Killer asked, curious as to why Blue had been staring. Blue chuckled. "I was thinking about Underswap." Killer frowned. "you want to go back?" Killer suddenly seemed guarded and Blue didn't blame him.


"No." Blue replied, highly amused by Killer's sudden aggression. "I was thinking that Papyrus and the Star Sanses are probably freaking out about my disappearance right about now. Mweh heh heh heh!"
"that doesn't bother you?" Killer asked. "Nope. Not really. This is where I belong." Blue replied. "huh. i guess i would have thought you would care a little more." Blue shrugged. "Papyrus can live without me, he's a grown Skeleton. Ink and Dream never needed me. I'm just an extra in their eyes. I mean, sure they see me as a friend, but not really as a colleague." Blue explained. "Not to mention Dream seriously hurt Night multiple times both physically and emotionally. He kinda deserves a little bit of suffering." Blue frowned. "And I let it happen.." He balled his hands into fists. "Never again..." Blue promised lowly. "don't let it eat you up too much, you were under the influence of a spell." Both Blue and Killer jumped as Nightmare spoke up. "boss how long were you listening-" Killer squeaked. "long enough." Nightmare mused before gesturing for Blue to follow. Blue didn't hesitate. "how do you like them?" Blue smiled brightly. "Killer and Horror seem very nice! I can see why Error and Dust would need more time though." Blue admitted with a laugh. "they will see, berry~" Nightmare pulled Blue in for a kiss.

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