Shooter Game

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The next day, Horror apologized. He was all teary socketed and scared because he hurt Blue, but Blue only hugged him. "It's Ok, Horror... I'm Ok And You Are Ok And That's All That Matters..." He rubbed his back, and Horror relaxed into him with a barely audible purr. "aw, that's cute." Killer leaned forward, only a few feet from them. Blue didn't even know when he came in. "horror, i'm stealing your boyfriend." Blue barely had the chance to open his mouth as Killer pulled him away and picked him up. "i'll bring him back in one piece!" They teleported into what Blue presumed was Killer's room. Dust was also there, a video game controller in his hand. "about damn time. he in or not?"
"I-" Killer cut him off as he was sat next to Dust. "he's in. i'll give him a controller." Killer grabbed two controllers before sitting on Blue's other side. Wait, Killer kidnapped him for video games?! "I Have Never Played A Video Game -" Killer smirked. "well then, you will be having some fun learning here, won't you~?" Killer teased as he booted up a multi-player shooting game.


Blue proved to be a quick study as they played one v one v one Black Ops Multi-player with Blue quickly getting his kills in almost as well as Dust and Killer. "look at that, you little murderer! if this was real, you'd have a nice good chunk of lv." Blue hummed as he searched for Dust and Killer's characters to kill them. "It's The Objective Of The Game, Isn't It? To Kill Everyone As Much As I Can Until Time Is Up?" Blue pointed out as he and Dust started shooting at each other. "you right, you right." Dust said as Blue threw a grenade, making Dust flee and try to take another way to kill Blue. "i ain't retracting my statement." Killer killed Dust, and Blue got Killer. They got him back when they respawned, though. "I Am Still Not A Murderer. I Am Only Doing My Best In The Game!" Blue defended as he respawned in. "whatever helps you sleep at night~" Killer singsonged. Blue rolled his eyelights and continued the game. Killer was just being Killer, he knew it. Blue brushed Killer's comments aside as such, even bantering back. "I Do Sleep Wonderfully, Thank You."


Eventually the gaming did end and Blue prepared to go back to Nightmare and Horror to tell him about his day with Dust and Killer. "Thanks For, Uh... Inviting Me To Play With You." He knew well that he wasn't so much invited more as he was made to, but he had fun with them and Dust seemed relaxed, playing with him. "same time tomorrow?" Killer offered. Blue shook his head. "I Am Taking Error Out, Actually. The Day After?" Killer groaned and nodded. "fiiiiiiine. one of these times though, it's me you are going out with, capiche?" Blue blinked and a blue hue came to his cheeks. "Y-Yes, If You Would Like..." He really wasn't expecting Killer to take an interest in him, nor was he expecting Killer to blow him a kiss before he walked out. Well, if Killer wanted a chance, Blue wasn't going to deny him one. Maybe it would work out. First though, he wanted to establish something more with Error and deepen what he had with Horror. He could juggle this... maybe.

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