The Yoinking

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It was rare, for Nightmare to have a day like today. The boys were in their AUs, Error had other business to attend, and it was just him at the castle. A perfect time to clean out his desk. He started with the mess on top of it, going through the paperwork and seeing what was relevant and what should be thrown. He tidied it up quickly before moving from drawer to drawer going through files and paperwork. It was there that he found it. A dusty old file from before he found and recruited the boys... before the Star Sanses came to be. He'd been lost, confused. Having just lost everything to the corruption within him. Then... Blueberry had been there. To guide him through. Help pull him out of the darkness, at least a little bit. They had been friends, for a very long time and when Dream had come back, Blue had offered to be Nightmare's informant. The spell he cast upon Blue had worked a little too well, he actually believed he was a Star Sans when in reality... he was Nightmare's second in command. "... it's about time... i recall him from his mission.."


Some days were absolutely magnificent, but some days something felt... off. Blue tried to ignore it, nothing could bother the magnificent Blueberry after all! But it could be... rather distracting. Ink's paintbrush came out of nowhere, blindsiding him while he was distracted. "blue! hey are you ok?!" Dream ran over while Ink helped him up. "I AM FINE!" He insisted loudly. "I CAN TAKE A HIT." Dream pressed a hand to his chest. "is your soul acting up again?" Blue hesitated and nodded and Dream started to use his magic to lessen... it's affects. They all knew that Blue had a powerful spell on his soul for some reason, and they couldn't break it. They'd tried many times over the last twenty years, to no avail. All they could do was try to lessen its affects until the day the spell did break and reveal whatever it was that the spell was hiding. "THAT'S BETTER, THANKS DREAM." The off feeling was gone for now, bringing Blue to feel top notch once again. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO ANOTHER ROUND?" Ink smiled and chuckled lightheartedly. "as much as i would like to say yes, we need to have you home before stretch throws a fit." Ink admitted. "tomorrow?" Blue would take what he could get.


Blueberry was put back into Snowdin's woods in Underswap. He rubbed his ribcage as that off feeling returned tenfold. It was like... he was forgetting something important? Blue didn't really know, but he was going to have to deal with it until he went back to the base tomorrow. Blue stopped upon seeing a hooded figure in his path, he immediately prepared for a fight. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, DUST?" He asked coldly. He could never condone murder. Dust glared at Blue. "if i wasn't under the orders to fetch you, i would kill you, unfortunately..." Blue jumped when Killer and Horror's hands held his shoulders firmly in place. "the boss wants you." Dust finished. Blueberry's sockets narrowed. As if he was going to let himself get captured so easily. He turned Dust's soul blue as bones shot up where the other two were, forcing them to let go. He darted towards the woods where he could hide and call for backup. "plan b!" Killer barked. Just like that, Blue wasn't in control anymore as Error tied him up like a puppet with his strings. ("sorry, you don't have a choice.") "s-o-rr-y, y-ou do-n-t ha-ve a cho-ice." Error hissed as Blue was dragged through a portal.

#Yoinkberry, thanks for making this a thing, Clyde! 😉

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