Death by Praise

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Blue woke up feeling a bit more like himself. With the spell finally broken and Blue well rested, he could get back to his task of helping out Nightmare and learning more about his new teammates. He hoped that they could get along despite the rocky start. He was never their enemy to begin with but he knew it would take time before they got used to him being their alley. A good relationship, in his experience, always started with food! It's how he eventually got through to Nightmare. Blue took the familiar halls down to the kitchen where he began the simple task of making breakfast tacos! He was positive that Nightmare hadn't had breakfast tacos in forever! Blue only paused a moment when he felt another presence pop into the shadows of the kitchen. "If you would like to join me in making breakfast, I could always use the assistance." He offered as he sliced through lettuce. "..." Horror growled as he walked out of the shadows and towards his former enemy. Blue turned and smiled at him. "What do you say? Would you like to help me?" Horror blinked slowly before washing his hands to handle the ingredients.


They were both quiet as they worked. Horror watched Blue, unsure of what to say or think. Blue was their alley the whole time and yet thought they were the enemy? It made his head hurt trying  to puzzle it out. He tried to pick at his skull as Blue finished browning the meat but Blue grabbed his wrist. "Doesn't that hurt? You shouldn't do something that harms yourself." Horror blinked slowly. "Wanna add the spices? That is a lot better use of your hands, don't you think?" Horror was a good cook, but it felt weird, cooking with his former enemy. Still, he sniffed out the spices perfect for this meal and started to sprinkle in the correct amounts while stirring up the meat. Blue took count of all the veggies that Horror had cut up, smiling in satisfaction. "There is no doubt in my mind now! You are also a master chef! It's an honor to cook with you, Horror!" His red eye snapped to Blue. He looked back to his task. The praise caught him off guard. He didn't know what else to do but say, "thank you.."


Horror and Blue worked together to serve the table, much to Nightmare's joy. It was always a good sign to see them not trying to kill each other. The other's were quiet, Dust glaring, Error judging Blue for himself, and Killer... Nightmare couldn't tell, but it wasn't negative so he took it as a temporary win. "you can sit here next to me and boss, blue." Killer offered immediately. Blue flashed him a smile. "Of course, thank you Killer!" Blue took his place between the two. ("horror... what are your thoughts on him?") "h-orr-or... w-ha-t ar-e you-r thou-ghts on h-im?" They all knew who Error was talking about. Nightmare was curious too. He wanted them to get along. He truly did. "... he's not so bad, so far." Horror replied after a moment. "He helped me cook!" Nightmare nodded. "i thought this was your recipe, i am excited to eat them!" Blue rolled his starry eyelights. "You'll find I've improved since last time. Plus with Horror's expertise, it's bound to blow your tentacles off!" Horror whined quietly. So much praise- "i think you're killing him slowly." Nightmare joked. Blue chuckled. "Well, shall we eat?" Nightmare nodded. "let's."

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