Blueberry the "Bad" Sans

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Blue looked around his cell, trying to get out. He didn't know what they wanted from him, but they weren't getting it. His phone was confiscated, his magic was cut off with special iridium locks, but he would escape somehow. He wasn't stupid, he could outsmart them or something. Blue flinched at the off feeling that continued to grow in his soul, only feeling worse as the darkness of Nightmare's castle seemed to swallow him hole. A sort of fuzziness clouded his head and he had to sit down or he would've fallen over. Nightmare walked up to his cell. "W-WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME..?" Blue tried to sound assertive, but it was hard to focus. "i have done nothing, blue. your soul is trying to break the spell cast upon it." Nightmare replied. There was movement in his peripheral vision. They were all there, looking at Nightmare with as much confusion as Blue was. How did Nightmare know about the spell on his soul unless... "Y-YOU CAST THAT SPELL. WHY?" 


Nightmare opened the cell, approaching Blue. He stared up defiantly at the Negative King. "believe it or not, it was your idea." Blue refused to believe it indeed. "I WOULD NEVE- AH! P-PUT THAT BACK! WHAT ARE YOU D-DOING!?" Nightmare held Blue's soul, the smaller tried to take it back, but he used his tentacles to pin him. He struggled harshly against Nightmare, struggling and kicking, but Nightmare wasn't bothered in the least as he focused on the dark spell. Cyan wingdings appeared on his soul, a few lines were missing, showing Nightmare how long Blue had been fighting against it. His magic flared up a mix of purple and cyan as the wingdings shattered like glass beneath Nightmare's power. Blue went limp in his grip.


The King let Blue go, walking out of the cell. "come up when you are ready, blueberry. leave the cell open, he won't run." Blue watched them leave, blinking as he tried to make sense of what was going on. He was a Star Sans? No, no that was the influence of the spell, he had and always will be Nightmare's partner in crime. He was no killer like the Murder Time Trio or Error, but he wasn't a pushover either. Blue could hold his own if needed. He knew that Nightmare wasn't actually a bad guy. That he was forced into this role and Blue had treated him wrongly for the last twenty years. The small Skeleton sat up in the cell and followed the path back upstairs. If he knew Nightmare well, and he did, he knew Nightmare would be waiting for him in the Throne Room.


"so... how do you know he won't run?" Dust asked the question they'd all been wondering about since they got upstairs. "Well, it's because Night and I have been allies for a long time!" Blue replied, striding in with his usual confidence. "The spell was a viewpoint shift. It pretty much altered who I saw as friends and who I saw as enemies and flip-flopped them." Blue explained as he smiled at his longtime friend. "Heya Night! It's been a good long while since we got to talk as buddies!" Nightmare chuckled. "i missed you dearly, blue. we have a lot to catch up on." Blue nodded. "Yeah we do! I would like to go to my room first, if you don't mind." Nightmare shooed him away. "naturally. the spell took quite the toll on your soul. you'll find your room cleaned and untouched, just the way you like it."
"Thanks Night, you're the best!" Blue gladly headed to his old quarters.

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