'If only Raymond had affiliations with the royalist faction.'

Raymond's commendable performance during the war fueled such regrets.

Just then, a familiar figure emerged in the distance: a woman draped in white cotton robes.



A designation reserved for healers possessing S-class or higher abilities, comparable to Sword Masters and Archmages.

However, within the House of Lystein, there were two true saints.

Praised for their exceptional abilities, captivating appearance, and benevolent personalities, these two individuals stood as paragons.

The woman now approaching from afar belonged to this esteemed duo.

Renowned for her countless charitable acts, she was revered not merely as a saint in name but as a genuine exemplar of saintliness.

"It's been a while, Prince Rashid."

"The pleasure is mine, Your Highness."

The two exchanged a formal bow.

The lineage of the royal family of Lystein was very complicated.

This complexity stemmed from the presence of the Holy Eye.

'Not all descendants of royalty inherit the Holy Eye.'

The chances of a child of royalty being born with the Eye are roughly one in five.

What happens to those who don't inherit the Eye?

They are not recognized as full royalty.

Termed half-royals, they were treated as members of the royal family but lacked succession rights, and their descendants were severed from the royal lineage.

While a bitter reality, it was deemed necessary, as those born without a Holy Eye would never develop one.

On the other hand, if a person descended from a maternal lineage that had left the family, they were still recognized as royalty in the palace.

Although regarded as secondary to the direct line, they possessed the right to ascend the throne.

Concerning titles, those born into the family were conferred the designation "royal" for men and "royal princess" for women.

Consequently, the Lystein royal family's lineage became exceptionally convoluted.

"Your face is dark, is something wrong?"

"Oh... no."

Rashid awkwardly shook his head.

Then, the saint said something unexpected.

"Are you still investigating Count Penin, by any chance?"

"How did you find out?"

"I heard you asked the elders."

After a moment of contemplation, she offered an unexpected suggestion.

"Perhaps Lord Kale, the highest elder of the royal family, holds the answers you seek."

Rashid looked surprised.

Technically, the saint and he were enemies, belonging to different factions.

But the advice was unexpected.

"I could ask Kale for sure, but he doesn't like other royals, so I don't know if he'll meet with me..."

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