Ch 11

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It only took us around half an hour to bring all the things into my new place because I didn't have much stuff. After we entered, I plopped down on the floor since I didn't have any furniture, and we sat there chatting. "So, how's life treating you? What do you do for work and all?" she inquired.

I recently landed a job as a personal assistant at an office, and the pay is great. I'm set to begin tomorrow, but I'm feeling quite anxious since the boss isn't fond of me. It's a bit disappointing, but I'll manage. Despite that, I'm looking forward to starting this new job the salary is good, and I believe I can handle the boss because the job is too good to pass up. Dealing with a difficult boss is just part of the job sometimes.

"Yeah, not everyone is going to be a fan of yours. It's a reality that many struggle to come to terms with," she mentioned. I nodded in agreement, but I didn't want to dwell on that topic. I was more interested in enjoying my new apartment. "Yeah, I understand. I need to furnish this place soon. Tonight, I'll be crashing on the floor since I don't plan on buying anything else right now. I'm on a tight budget until my next paycheck, which might take a while," I explained, glancing at her.

"I'm going to get furniture delivered tomorrow. I can't afford to buy temporary items for tonight though," I mentioned. "Hey, I have an air mattress you can use. You can sleep on it tonight instead of the floor," she offered. "Are you sure?" I inquired. "Of course! I understand what it's like to be on a budget and I don't need it anymore, so you can have it," she assured. "Thank you so much, I appreciate it," I expressed, hugging her. I have a feeling this is the start of a great friendship.

"We need to support each other, you know? In a world where there are always people trying to bring you down, having someone to rely on is crucial. Being alone can get pretty lonely," she mentioned as she hugged me. "Having someone there for you is so important," I replied.

She quickly mentioned, "I'll grab the air mattress real quick," before leaving through the front door. I'm relieved I won't have to sleep on the floor, but I would if I had to.

After a few minutes, the door opened once more.

"Here's the air mattress," she said, placing it on the floor.

"Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it."

"No worries, girl," she replied with a big smile.

"I've got to head to work now, so I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, no worries, stay safe," I reassured her, giving a quick hug.

As she walked out the door, she reminded me to always keep my doors locked due to occasional break-ins in the area. Even if I'm home, it's important not to leave the door unlocked.

"Got it!" I shouted, immediately locking the front door once she was gone. I then proceeded to tidy up the room and hang my clothes. After a while, I grew tired of it and decided to browse my phone for some items to buy for my place. I made sure to stick within my budget and only purchase things I could afford at the moment.

I decided to split the payments so I could manage to pay for my items. I couldn't pay the full amount upfront, but I could handle a quarter of it. Once I did that, I realized the items would arrive tomorrow while I was at work. I then texted the office lady to inform her that some people would be coming over and asked if she could let them in to assemble the furniture. This way, I wouldn't have to come home and struggle to put together the couch and table. Now, I'm just waiting for her response.

Two Months later............................................................................................................................

I've been working for Alexander for two months now, and let me tell you, these past two months have been absolutely terrible. On the bright side, I love my home and my new friend Brandy, and I've been spending a lot of time with Shyla. However, when it comes to work, it's a whole different story. I feel like nobody at the office likes me including Alexander, and I can't shake off the feeling that they have an issue with me because of my skin color. It's just not a good work environment at all.

I can't figure out why I bother being nice to everyone and inviting them places. I'll ask them to join me for lunch and they'll all turn me down. I don't get it, but I'm not gonna let them push me away from this job. The pay is too good for me to just walk away because of a few bullies.

"Hey, I need you to fax this over to the Johnsons' office right away so we can set up that meeting as soon as possible," Alexander said before leaving. "Sure thing," I called after him, even though I knew he wouldn't listen or stop. I was just about to send the fax when one of the COO's assistants walked in.

She must need something from me, I thought to myself as she greeted me with a "Hey, girl." I know she's not my biggest fan, so this can't be a friendly chat. "What's up?" I asked, already bracing myself for a favor. "Just wanted to let you know that Brandon said you don't have to fax the paperwork to the Johnsons," she informed me. "But Mr. Miller specifically told me to do it," I countered. "I'll handle it, you go grab lunch," she insisted. I hesitated, unsure if I should trust her. In the end, I decided to go with it and headed out for lunch, hoping everything would turn out fine.

I step into the cafe and immediately notice the delicious aroma of their food. Not only is it tasty, but it's also reasonably priced. 

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