Ghost, stores, and hide and seek.

Start from the beginning

As I was walking along the garden path I realized I had forgotten to put on my shoes, the boys had brought me from the house.

Oh well they can scold me later my feet could use some vitamin d.

As I was walking I noticed a small path that went away from the hospital, so I decided to take it.

The path was covered in leaves and sticks so it was a little hard to drag my IV pole over them but I managed.

I ended up at this small lake, I walked closer and closer until the tip of my toes felt the water. I gripped the bottom of my Iv pole and bent down to get a better look at the lake.

"The bottom of a lake always reminds me of New York" an old raspy voice called out from behind.

I turned around and saw an old lady sitting on a bench. "Why's that?" I questioned standing up.

"Well" she patted the seat beside her and I walked over and sat down.

"In the lake there are countless species of fishes and snakes all their own lives and when you look in the lake they all are just running around carrying out their business, and in new york there are countless people all different lives just running around" she rasped out.

"I guess that makes sense but couldn't that count for everywhere" I asked.

She chuckled "I guess it could dear I guess it could" she smiled "what's your name dear."

"My names Parker, what's yours?"

"My name is June, but you can call me grandma J" she chuckled.

"Do you live around here?" I asked, looking to see if there were any houses around, but there wasn't.

"You could say that, what's got you around here? I rarely see anybody come down" The old lady asked.

"The hospital rooms are so small and unrealistic it was suffocating" I replied.

"I hated the time I spent in the hospital always treating me like some vegetable" she huffed in agreement.

"Ain't that the children's hospital though" I asked confused, looking around

She let out a chuckle "there's an adult hospital behind that tall building, it was nice because my grandson stayed there for a while"

"Oh I'm sorry, can I ask why he was there?" I said thoughtfully.

All of sudden a little boy, maybe 6 years old ran up to the old lady holding a small rock.

"This is my grandson, Nova, he had a brain tumor" she said running her hands through his thick brown hair.

"Yeah I lost all my hair and had a bunch of tubes and wires going all over me" he said his bright green eyes shining in the light as he looked at me.

I gave him a small smile and he ran off again as we both watched him run happily through the fields.

"You have any visitors at the hospital?" she asked her attention, turning to me.

"Yeah my 6 brothers, my brother's husband and his brother, and technically his other brother but he's also in the hospital so he's not much of a visitor" I said smiling at the thought of all my brothers slung over the chairs waiting to see if we were okay.

"That's a big family sounds like a bunch of love," she said.

I chuckled "yeah lots of love and chaos, but then again what's love without chaos."

"So why aren't you with your brothers right now" she said looking at me like she almost already knew the answer.

I thought for a minute about what to say before answering her "well uh, I guess it's my fault we are in the hospital."

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