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You play flag football. Pretend you guys are in high school. I made this when I was tired so... leave me alone.

You were currently in the locker room with your team. Today was the playoffs and everybody was coming. Usually only your girlfriend and a couple friends would come. But everybody was coming, to watch you.

"Y/N breathe. You're gonna do great out there. You always do." One of your teammates said trying to calm you down. It helped. Just a little bit.

"Alright guys, let's get out there and play." Your coach said walking outside to the field. You were the captain so you were right behind him, leading the team outside.

Once the whole team was outside, you guys got into a circle with you in the middle. It was time for a pep talk that you weren't ready for but you were gonna wing it.

"Alright guys. Let's do our best. Win or lose, it doesn't matter. We play as a team, a family, and with effort. Huskies on three! Family on six! One two three!"


"Four five six!"


Time skip because I don't have enough energy to be coming up with plays and all that.

You were on the field, once again. You played both defense and offense so Coach had you in almost the whole game. You were on the line of scrimmage getting ready to run the play.

"Set! Hike!" The quarterback yelled and you ran your route. You looked back with your hands up and open, indicating that you were open for a pass. Until someone bumped into you and you were on the floor.

Flag football is a no contact sport. So you laid on the floor, in pain, wondering how you ended up like this. The person that tried to take your flag didn't break down fast enough and practically chucked you.

"Oh dear lord..." You mumbled, your arm was in so much pain. After you were hit by the other person, you fell and landed on your arm. Everyone was looking at you. From the ref, the other team, your team, your coach, the trainer, your girlfriend and literally everyone else in the stands.

"Y/N you ok?" Your coach asked, which was a stupid question because you were on the floor and your arm felt like it was dead.

"Coach... is my girlfriend looking over here?" You asked. He chuckled and looked around.

"Everyone's looking at you Y/N... Come on. Let's go on the bench." He said helping you up. You got up but refused to go on the sideline. You might be hurt but you weren't gonna go out like this, especially after everybody watched you get chucked in a no contact sport.

"I can play coach. No worries. And I don't care what you say, I'm playing. So you can go back to the sidelines." You told your coach. You were extremely close to your coach, so when you said that, he just nodded and went on his way.

When you went back to your position, people cheered for you. You shook your arm, trying to make the pain away before running the route.

"Set! Hike!" The quarterback yelled again. You ran a post, with your hands in the air and open. The quarterback saw and passed it to you, you barely caught it and just started running your fastest towards the end zone.

And just like that. You won the game. You had the winning touch down after almost breaking your arm. You stood at the end zone for a while, all awkward, trying to process that not only you scored the winning touchdown. But that you caught the ball at all. After convincing coach to put you on offense.

"My love you did so good!" Natasha yelled as she ran towards you with her arms wide open for a hug. And when she did you flinched a little. Your arm was hurting.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N!" She said immediately letting go of you, making sure you were ok. You just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Nice game L/N." Tony said with a smile coming to congratulate you. So did the rest of them. Steve, Wanda, Peter, Pietro, Sam, Thor, Clint, Bruce, and everyone else (I forgot who else).

"Thank you guys. Thank you guys for coming too, but if you excuse me. I have to go see the trainer, so I will be right back."

Time skip.

You walked back to them after meeting the trainer with a sling holding your right arm. You looked annoyed and mad at the fact you had to wear that.

"I'll take her to the hospital." Your girlfriend said as she walked with you to her car. She found you cute as you were sulking in the passenger seat. You sat there as you prayed to the Gods that your arm would be alright and you would be able to play for the championship.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now