Game Day

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Scarlett goes to your football game. Bella and the Bulldogs who?

Y/N's point of view
You were getting ready for your football game today. Sure you were the only girl on the team, but that didn't matter. You originally tried out as a dare from a friend. But apparently since all the boys suck at throwing a simple ball you somehow ended up as the quarterback.

"Hey Y/N, good luck" Your girlfriend Scarlett said coming up to you before you run to go warm up with your team.

"Thank you" You said kissing her cheek and running towards your team.

Scarlett made her way to the bleachers and found both of you guys friend sitting by each other. When the game started you looked for your friends and Scarlett and waved towards them getting waves from Scarlett and screams from your best friend Robert.

"That's my motherfucking best friend!" Robert yelled which made half of the people on the bleachers stare at him.

You stood on the sideline by Hemsworth, he got injured right before football season and couldn't play. Some of your friends were on the team. Only the 2 Chris's, Sebastian, Tom, and Anthony was on the team. You'd think Sebastian was good at throwing. He couldn't throw the football even if his life depended on it. Anthony was the teams kicker. Evans and Hemsworth was the linebackers, and they were some big motherfuckers. Tom was the running back.

"Hey 22! You're in!" The coach yelled. That was your number. Your number was Scarletts birthday, she didn't know that. But she'll figure it out eventually, hopefully. You put your helmet on and ran on the field to your position. Behind the snapper.

"Set! Hike" You yelled. You caught the ball and looked for someone that was open but you couldn't find anyone so you just ran the ball. You ran for a good 10 yards and slid on the grass when you saw someone running towards you.

"Good job Y/N!" Your girlfriend and friends screamed clapping their hands off. Your team went to the yard where you stopped and got in position.

"Set! Hike!" You yelled again, passing the ball to Tom and running beside him blocking anyone coming towards him. You saw someone running towards him from the right side so you pretended like you couldn't see him and chucked him right when he went in front of you. You heard a bunch of 'ooh's' from both sides. Tom got tackled into the sidelines after running 5 more yards.

"He must be so embarrassed" Elizabeth says shaking her head talking about the guy you had hit. All of your friends agrees watching the guys teammate help him up.

"Alright, T I'ma fake it to you. Got it?" You said talking to Tom.

"Yup, got it" He says standing a few feet from you when your teammate snaps the ball to you. You catch it, and Tom runs in front of you. You fake it to him and start running the opposite side of him. You guess it works since half of the other team runs for Tom while you run on the side. Once the other team saw you it was too late you were already at the end zone.

"Touchdown!" The ref motions. You see Sebastian running towards you for a chest bump. You both jump up at the same time hitting your sides together.

Once you landed you look for Scarlett and do the celebration you both planned the night before. You spinned the ball on the ground and laid on the floor with your hands on your jawline swinging your legs back and forth. You look back at her and see her laughing.

You go back to the sidelines and Hemsworth picks you up easily and puts you back down patting your helmet. You smile and grab a random water bottle and shoot it in your mouth. You stand by Hemsworth and watch Anthony kick the ball. And the extra point is good. You sit on the bench for a few plays before you have to go back in.

"Hike!" You yell and catch the ball that was snapped towards you. You do the same play you did last time with Tom. You fake it to Tom and start running to the opposite side. Apparently it doesn't work this time because you get tackled by a way bigger guy.

"Oh shit" Scarlett whispers trying to see over the guy that had just tackled you. Your teams side of the bleachers go quite while the other teams side starts screaming.

Once the guy got up, you laid there. You felt like you've been squished by a bear. The refs blew the whistle and the trainers ran to you with water. Both teams got on their knees whole you girlfriend anxiously watched from her seat. A couple seconds later you got up with the help of one of your teammates and laid on the ground on the sidelines while the trainer pulled your leg.

"Damn! Wrong leg!" You yelled at the trainer when she pulled your other leg hella hard.

"Sorry" She says and starts pulling your other leg. Once she finished you got up and went back in even though your leg was still hurting.

Time skip cause time

The game was over. Your team won, obviously. It was 16-42. After you went back in you got 2 more touchdowns, while Tom got 2 and Sebastian got 1. You limped your way over to the bleachers and your team said thank you to everyone.

"Good job baby" Your girlfriend says after running to you. You smile and hug her softly, having no energy to hug her tight. You see your friends walking to you both still laughing about the tackle you made earlier.

"Thank you my love" You say giving her a kiss on the forehead. After you took a picture with her and a few with your friends and teammates.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now