Wrong Name

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You call Nat the wrong name

Y/N's point of view
You were currently sitting down in the compound living room with everyone else. There hasn't been any missions lately and you were relieved. Today you all decided to have a movie night. No missions, no work, no distraction, just you and your family watching movies all night. The 2nd movie just ended and everyone got up getting more snacks, using the bathroom, stretching and using their phones. You guys had 20 minute bread between each movie.

"Hey babe, you want anything to drink?" Nat asked you getting up from your arms.

"Yeah, can you get me a caprisun" You said pulling your phone out of your pocket.

"I swear, you and your caprisun" She said shaking her head and walking towards the kitchen to get drinks. Once she came back she handed your drink to you and sat down by you taking a dip of hers.

"Thanks Scarlett" You said not even knowing what you had called her. But everyone heard you, including her.

"What did you just call me?" She said looking towards you. You looked up and saw everyone staring at you. You were confused at first until you answered her question.

"Uh, I called you Scarle- Shit" You mumbled realizing what you just said. Everyone gasped when they heard yoy admit that you called Natasha the wrong name.

"Who the fuck is Scarlett?!" She yelled at mot even caring about everyone staring. She was furious. You paused for a second thinking if you should lie or tell the truth.

"She's this girl, well she's you. But not you" You said hoping she would trust you to know that you're telling the truth.

"That makes no sense, at all" She replied looking at you like you were crazy.

"Yeah, I have no idea what you just said" Tony says butting in you and Nat's conversation. You glared at him.

"Well, you were gonna find out one day" You said sighing preparing to tell everyone everything.

"You're cheating on me!" She yelled assuming that you were admitting you were cheating.

"What! No!" You yelled back at her. You rubbed your chin then nodded.

"Ok, uh how am I going to say this. I'm not from this world, or universe" you said a bit confused, you didn't know how to phrase the situation but everyone looked at you like you were crazy.

"That's impossible" Steve said laughing like it was joke. You looked at him dead in the eye making him stop laughing.

"How is it impossible? Thor and Loki are from another planet. Vision is a robot. Carol can fucking glow. Bruce can turn into a big ass green jolly rancher. You were literally frozen in ice for 70 years. So how is me being from a different universe impossible?" You said leaning back into the chair.

"Still don't get why you called me Scarlett" Nat said.

"In this different universe I am dating Scarlett Johansson" You said taking a sip of your caprisun.

"So I'm the side chick" Nat said shaking her head.

"No, Scarlett Johansson is you. You are Scarlett. You guys are the same person, but at the same different" You said trying to explain more clearly.

"Still not getting it" Tont said again.

"Ok, so you know Sylvie right?" You said using Sylvie as an example. Everyone nodded.

"She is a variant of Loki. We all have variants. Scarlett is like a variants of Nat, but without the fighting and shit. Scarlett in my universe is an actor, a celebrity" You said again and they all nodded finally getting what you were saying.

"Wait then what are you doing here, if you know. If you're supposed to be at your universe" Steve said clearly still confused about everything.

"I kinda got trapped here" You said randomly taking another sip of your caprisun.

"Can you, uh, elaborate?" Steve says again.

"I was doing fine in my universe when all of a sudden a look-alike came out of nowhere and kind of made a portal and threw me in here and switched places with me. I know it's complicated, but I got stuck here by my own doppelganger" You confessed everything after 2 years.

"What about Scarlett?" Nat asked.

"I know she's doing fine, well because I have visions of her and my doppelganger in my dreams. I would go back, but I can't go back with you knowing that I'm with someone else and you're dating a whole different me" You said holding her hand.

"But what about Scarlett dating the other you? Do you want to go back" Peter asked.

"It's been 2 years already. Scarlett already knows" You mumbled looking away.


"I WAS SCARED AND NERVOUS" You yelled back at him.

"So she's fine with it?" Nat asked.

"Actually yeah. Sometimes I visit them in their dreams, I even scare them sometimes. But Scarlett was surprisingly  fine with it, and got used to the other me. I was kinda scared at first when I got here, but I got used to it" You admitted.

"Is there another me in your universe?!" Peter yelled excitedly. You chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I actually know everyone's other person because they are all friends" You said.

"We need names" Tony says.

"Ok, you know Nat is Scarlett. Tony is Robert, Peter is Tom, Loki is a Tom too. Steve, Thor and Peter Q. All Chris's surprising right? Vision is Paul, Wanda is Elizabeth and Pietro is Aaron. Clint is Jeremy, who is a really good singer. Stephen is Benedict. Scott is also a Paul. That's enough names for today" You said catching your breath.

"Wait, who's MJ and Ned" Peter asked.

"Uh Zendaya and Jacob" You say finishing your caprisun. Everyone nodded at their other them names. While they discussed about what you told them you and Nat ran away to your shared room.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now