Free Day

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It's a free day at the compound. No missions, no work. Just you and the Avengers hanging out.

Y/N's point of view
It was another free day. Which meant Peter's camera and phone all up in your face again. And there he was, with his camera.

"Hi Y/N" Peter said walking to you with his camera in his hand. You looked at him and smiled.

"Hey Parker. Hi people of the world" You said to him then to his camera waving. You looked up from your plate of pancakes and saw your beautiful redhead walking towards you two.

"Hi mi amor" You say as she walks to you and gives you a kiss on your forehead.

"Hi my love. Hey Peter" She says before taking a bite of your pancakes.

"Hello Miss Romanoff. Oh yeah, I forgot, Wanda wanted me to ask you guys if you wanted to go to the park? We were gonna have a little picnic" Peter asks you guys still pointing the camera at you both.

"Sure, I haven't been on a picnic in a while" Nat says smiling and she looks at you and you nodded in agreement.

"Ok, they said we're going around 3. See you later" Peter said running to Pietro's room.

Time skip

You, Pietro and Peter were currently feeding the goose's that were around the park. You accidently threw a bread crumb at one of the goose's head and it ended up chasing you three. You ran away screaming, as well did the other two.

"So, here we got dumb, dumber and dumbest" Wanda said pointing Peter's camera towards you three.

"I don't know what's funnier. Them running or Pietro forgetting he had superspeed" Nat said popping a grape in her mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" You yelled at the goose chasing you. You looked up and saw Pietro sitting in a tree, and Peter hiding behind the tree watching you.

After a while the goose ended up going away. You sat by Nat trying to catch your breath while the two idiots sat down too.

"We almost died" Pietro said laying on the blanket on the grass. You looked at him.

"We? No, me. You guys left me to die" You said grabbing a juice and chugging it down.

You and Pietro ended up arguing about it and Peter sat there recording it all. This couple passing by must've thought it was real because they said something.

"Um, can you not bring your drama in public. Because you're kind of ruining our vibe" The girl said. Your eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well, can you not bring your faces in public. Cause you're kinda killing my eyes" You said before turning away from them and continued arguing with Pietro.

Time skip

"Y/N!" Peter yelled your name running in the kitchen to find you sitting, eating another bowl of rocky road.

"Yes Parker?" You ask. He sat by you propping his phone on something and you saw he was live again.

"They love you more than me at this point" He said pointing at his phone. You laughed and shook your head reading comments with him again.

"Is your hand heavy, I can hold it for you" "I CAN COOK, CLEAN, WHAYEVER YOU WANT" "gay" "mommy" "WILL YOU MARRY ME PLEASE" "Y/N I told my parents about you"

"Yo I wanna see the walking microwave" You read a comment and you knew they were talking about Vision.

"Oh, he's right dad's with his dad's" You said grabbing the phone and facing it towards him. Only to find him talking with his dads. You set the phone back down and read more comments.

"Peter, tell your little fans to leave my girlfriend alone" Nat said sneaking behind you and wrapping her arms around your neck. You laughed that she was being jealous again.

"Yeah, you heard her. Leave her girlfriend alone" Peter said to his phone. She smiled and kissed you in front of Peter's phone so he grabbed it and faced it away from you two.

"You guys want a girl to simp over? Let's go to Maria" He said getting out from his seat. You laughed as you saw him walk away.

"Oh I think Carol's here too!" You yelled after him. You were gonna say Kate, but you remembered Yelena was here too.

"You trying to get him to bother them so he doesn't come back?" Nat said pulling you up from the chair.

"Maybe" You stood up and looked down to her. Her smile instantly fell.

"Nevermind, sit back down" She said pushing you back down in the chair.

"I like being taller than you" She mumbled. You shook your head. You were still almost to her height even when you were sitting but you let her have it.

"I'm not even that tall" You say grabbing her hands.

"You're like, 6 feet tall!" She yelled at you slapping your shoulder. You grabbed onto your shoulder even though it barely hurt.

"Actually, I'm 6'1" You say before running away from her.

"You're gonna be 5'5 after I cut your legs off!" She yelled chasing after you.

Time skip

Nat ended up jumping you with Wanda when they found you hiding under the bed.

"Ok! Ok! I give up!" You screamed hoping they would stop beating you up. They looked at each other and nodded and Wanda walked out closing the door behind her.

"I thought I told you stop watching WWE with Yelena. I can't take anymore wrestling moves, my knee still hurts from the last one. You know her and Kate jumped me last week?" You said laying on the bed.

"Ok, fine. I'm sorry" She said laying with you putting her head on your chest.

"I love you mi amor" You said kissing her forehead.

"I love you idiot" She said smiling. You looked at her and was about to say something but decided not to and just go to sleep.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now