Russian Roulette

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You get Natasha out of a toxic relationship. Steve is the toxic guy because I said so. We starting at a certain point because I also said so.

Y/N's point of view
You had gotten an alert from your phone. It was an emergency alert from Nat's phone. You put an emergency app to alert you whenever she needed you on her phone.

Once you saw it you got up so fast grabbing your jacket and your helmet and running to your motorcycle. You were speeding through the streets but you didnt care.

"Come on Natasha. Let's just go home" Steve said kneeling in front of Natasha. She was crying. She usually never cried, but it was Steve. He would do anything to make her be with him again.

She shook her head and more tears fell down her face. She flinched when he tried to caress her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Hurry up, we're going home" He said with a harsher tone. She shook her head and he got up sighing. He walked around before pulling out a gun.

"You don't wanna go home eh?" He said taking out the bullets and putting in and spinning the barrel. Once it finished spinning he pointed the gun to her head. She instantly closed her eyes.

"One more time. Get up and let's go" He said. She shook her head again. She was scared she was gonna die before you even got to her. But then Steve pointed the gun to his head.

He pulled the trigger and nothing came out. He waited till Natasha opened her eyes to pull the trigger again. He pulled the gun awau from his head and pushed it towards Natasha's forehead.

"Take your finger off that damn trigger before I fucking pull this one, and I promise you all the bullets are in here" You said pushing a gun towards the back of his head. You could hear him sigh before turning around.

"Y/N, how have you been" He says turning around with a smile on his face. He had to look up to you since you were taller than him and that made him furious.

"Why the fuck you here?" You said still holding the gun to his head. You saw Natasha move away from him and to the wall from the corner of your eye.

"I'm here to take Natasha home" He said in annoyed tone.

"This is what's gonna happen. You can go home without Natasha or I can make you go home with broken bones" You said. He looked at you and laughed.

"Yeah right" He said moving towards you. You instantly hit the top of his head with the bottom of the gun and turned him around, kicking the back of his knee, making him kneel. He tried to fight back but you hit him in the head again.

"You're about to go from 6 feet, to 6 feet underground Rogers" You said pointing the gun at his head.

"Hurry up and leave, and don't come back" You said pulling the gun away from his head. He listened and went outside driving away.

After he left you went to Natasha and held her while she cried. You rubbed her back and whispered to her, telling her she was ok.

"You're ok mi amor. You're safe now, I'm here. I'm not leaving"

"Thank you" She said still crying. You just hugged her didn't let go until she said so.

"Wanna go home with me?" You asked her and she nodded.

"No like, live with me. We can come back tomorrow and get your stuff. He won't find you if you stay with me" You say looking at her. You could see she was thinking for a bit before nodding her head.

"Wait here" You said and gave her a pillow to hold on while you packed some of her stuff in a backpack.

"Ok, let's go. It's getting late" You said grabbing her hand and leading her to your motorcycle. Once you got to your bike you took of your jacket and put it on her, and took her backpack giving it it her.

"Here, put this on" You say handing her your helmet she took it but tried to give it back once she realized there was only one.

"It's ok, take it. I'm hard headed, this shit ain't gonna break" You tried to crack a joke to see her smile. And it worked, even though it was a little one, you still loved it.

"Don't let go" You said to her wrapping her arms around your waist. You could feel her lean on your back and you smiled starting your bike and driving to your house.

Once you got your house you parked your bike. You grabbed Natasha's hand leading her inside, to your room. You set her backpack down by the bed and gave her some of your clothes to change into.

After she finished changing she crawled into bed with you, laying her head on your chest. She was grateful that you were always with her despite anything.

"You know I'll always be with you right? Wherever you are, I'll always find you and bring you home. You mean the world to me" You whispered, running your fingers through her hair. You could see her smiling.

"I love your smile, your eyes, your hands that fit perfectly in mine" You said intertwining her fingers with yours.

"I'm sorry" She whispered.

"Why, mi amor?" You asked her.

"I didn't say anything this whole time" She mumbled.

"That's ok. I'll still love you, even if you never talk to me. I'll love you till the end of the world" You said giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I love you" She says before closing her eyes falling asleep.

"I love you too" You whispered and continued running your fingers through her hair. When you were sure she was sleeping you fell asleep.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now