Different Earth's

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You breach into a different earth. You're Barry's twin.

Y/N's point of view
You were running with your twin brother Barry. You both decided to have a race to see who was faster and you won since you had breached into a different earth. You didn't noticed until you didn't see Barry behind you. Once you realized it you had already crashed into a tall building with people staring at you.

"Ahh!" You heard a youthful voice scream. You looked towards where you heard the voice, you saw a boy. Looked like he was in his teens.

"Ahh!" You screamed when you saw a big guy with a huge axe.

"Who are you?" You heard a female voice with a bit of an accent say. You turned to her. She has orange-redish hair.

"Who am I? Who are you?" You asked them while standing up.

"Don't move" The tall guy with the axe said. He had a loud and deep voice.

"Ok ok. I am Y/N Allen" you said putting your hands up in deafeat.

"Why are you here" the female said. You looked at her hands and saw red energy ball things.

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident. Hold on who are you people" you said. You saw more people come in the room. A built guy with a shield. A man with a metal arm. A blonde guy, looked like a teenager. And lastly a red person.

"Woah metal arm, and a dude with a sick ass cape" you mumbled admiring the metal arm one of the guys had.

"Enough playing around, what are you doing here" the guy with the shield said.

"I came here by accident. And I am on the wrong earth" you said.

"Wrong earth? There's multiple Earth's?!" The young kid said.

"Yes, wait can I get names or something" you said looking at all of them.

"I'm Steve, Bucky, Peter, Pietro, Wanda, Thor and Vision" The guy with the cool ass shield said.

"Alright thanks" you said about to walk away.

"Wait can you tell us more about this- uh multiple Earth thing" Peter said hoping you wouldn't reject him.

"Uh sure, any chance you guys got a lab or something" you asked them looking around.

"Yeah over here" Peter said a little bit excited as he went to the lab with you and everyone following.

"Ok so" you grabbed a marker and a white board.

"So imagine there are multiple versions of Earth's. Uh, one where the Nazis won World War II. One where Kennedy was never assassinated." You said as you were making circles on the white board.

"Oh yeah, one where all of us are evil" Peter said while raising his hand.

"Been there, it sucks. So all of these Earth's occupy the same place in space, but they vibrate at a different frequency, so they can't see one another." You said looking at all of them while they stared at you in confusion.

"Yeah, but it's like if you go fast enough, then it's possible to open like a breach, and travel between worlds." Peter said coming closer by you.

"Yes!" You said putting your hands up for him to high five you, which he gladly took.

"Wait, but how do you travel that fast" Steve said.

"Well" you look at him with a smirk. You then speeded off and came back leaving them all with ice cream in their hands.

"Yeah, so, um. Me and my brother were struck by lighting the same night the particle accelerator exploded, so surprise superhero." You said.

"Oh my god, be my best friend please" Pietro said.

"So you can just bump back and forth between Earth's?" Vision finally talked.

"Uh no this actually just happened by accident. I have traveled through time by accident. But I've never jumped parallel dimensions before without meaning too." You said looking at him.

"Well don't worry, we will help you get back to your earth or whatever" Wanda said with a soft smile.

"Ok, so food. I need to consume about 10,000 calories a day" you said with a slight awkward smile

"Oh, that guy right there" Pietro said pointing at Thor. You looked towards the big guy and he didn't look as scary as he was now as it was seen that he was smiling.

"Hi, I'm Thor, son of Odin" he said with a bright smile pointing his hands out towards you to shake, which you accepted.

"Alright well, I came here on an empty stomach so let's go?" You asked him pointing your thumbs behind you.

"Let's go little midgardian" he said walking out of the compound with you.

"Midgardian?" You said following close behind him.

Time skip

You and Thor came back to some more people you didn't see earlier.

"Uh who-who is this" A guy with black hair said.

"Oh, this is Y/N. Y/N this is, Tony, Nat, Bruce, Sam and Clint. Y/N's from another Earth!" Thor said.

"Uh surprise" you said with an awkward thumbs up.

"Wait you're from another Earth" Sam asked you a little bit confused.

"Yup" you said smiling softly.

"Woah, that's uh cool" Bruce said nodding his head.

"Hold on, how did you get here exactly?" Natasha asked you. You admired her for a little bit before answering.

"I-" you were cut off by Thor's loud voice.

"She can run really fast. Like
really fast. I don't know if she's faster than Pietro." He answered for you.

"Yup, speedster" you said while nodding your head.

"Yeah, actually is there any chance you guys know how to make a brea-" you were cut off when someone came flying through the window.

"Ha, I beat you!" A familiar voice said.

"Kara?" You asked before looking on the ground to see another person.

"No fair, you blew with your wind breath at me" A deeper voice said.

"Barry?" You said looking at them both.


Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum