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Based on Spiderman: No Way Home. Spoilers? idk i haven't even watched it yet. Sad, maybe. You are spiderwoman Peter's twin. This one is a wanda story cause I said so. No idea where I was going with this one

Y/N's point of view
You and Peter sat on top of a random building watching a video on a big screen. It was Mysterio, he revealed both of you guys identity and you just sat there staring at each other.

"I know damn well he did not just-"

"Oh he did" Peter cuts you off. You look at him. You grabbed your backpack and packed the snacks you were eating inside.

"Pete, we have to go" You said getting up. Peter also stood up.

"And go where? He just gave out our secret. Everyone knows who we are now" He said taking a glance down to the crowd of people still looking at the big screen even though the video was over.

You stood there, silent for a minute before thinking of someone who you know could fix it. Peter looked at you and shook his head.

"No No, I know that face. You have an idea, and your idea are never smart" Peter said shaking his head.

"This one is, I promise" You say.

"Alright, hit me" He says.

"Dr. Strange. I mean he's a wizard and all so he must know how to fix this right?" You asked and saw his face change.

"Wow, a good idea for once. Wait wizard-"

"Cool, let's go" You cut him off swinging around the building to Dr. Strange's building with Peter following behind you.

"Knockity knock knock" You said knocking on the door showing am angry Dr. Strange on the other side.

"How many times have I told you, stop saying that when you knock. Hurry up and get in" He says dragging you both inside and shutting the door.

"So I'm guessing you saw the thing?" Peter said awkwardly smiling while Dr. Strange nodded.

"You want me to do a spell huh?" Dr. Strange said making himself a coffee.


"Why is there so much snow" You said laying on the ground and making a snow angel.

"Nothing important. So tell what's the spell?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"We need you to make everyone forget out identity" Peter said. You looked at him shocked you didn't know about it.

Time skip cause I don't know what actually happens

You and Peter walked into a small cafe and saw MJ and Ned. They looked so happy. You look at your brother and saw how heartbroken he was. His girlfriend and best friend had no memory of him.

"Hey, uh two sweet teas please" You ordered and saw the necklace that Peter gave MJ was still on her neck. After you both got it you left. You saw Peter take one last glance at the two before walking away.

"Hey Pete go to the roof, I'll meet you there" You said as Peter nodded and walked away. You walked back in the cafe and looked at the two.

"Any chance you two are willing to have a talk?" You said.

More time skip cause blah

"So you're saying that the guy you came in with a while ago is actually my boyfriend?" MJ says.

"And my best friend?" Ned said and you nodded.

"I know its hard to believe but I have proof" You said pulling out your phone showing them pictures of you four together.

"If we know you two like you said, then why don't we have any memory of you guys" MJ said pointing at you.

"You guys know Dr. Strange right?" You asked and they nodded.

"So him being a wizard and all we asked him to make everyone forget about us because we're superheroes and everyone found out" You whispered to them.

"Ok, uh how about this you can come tomorrow with Peter and after work we can come to our house and talk about everything" Ned says and You and MJ nod your heads agreeing.

"Good seeing you guys" You said walking out meeting Peter at the rooftop you guys always hang out at.

"Where were you at this whole time?" Peter says looking at you taking a sip of his drink.

"I was talking to Ned and MJ. We're going over there again tomorrow to talk to them. I told them" You said sitting by him looking down to the street.

"What, why?" He says. You look at him.

"I couldn't stand the look on your face face you saw them. Get your stories prepared for tomorrow" You said laying down.

"Thank you" Peter said with a soft small while a single tear fell.

"We maybe should've made the spell more specific" You said looking at him.

"Yup, more specific" He says taking another sip of his drink.

"Hey after you know, talking to MJ and Ned. We have to go see Aunt May and Pepper, and the others" You say drinking your tea.

"And Wanda" Peter said teasingly with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up!" You yelled at him.

"You really think we could make them remember us?" Peter said looking at you with sad eyes.

"I mean, it might take a while. Maybe Dr. Strange could help us again" You say.

"If he remembers us" Peter said looking down. You chuckled.

"He remembers us. I saw him change the spell so that he remembers us." You say smiling.

"I knew he loved us" He said making you both burst into laughter.

"Hey, wanna go see Tony and Nat?" You asked him, he looked at you and nodded.

"What about Steve?" Peter asked. You shook your head.

"I'm still mad about the 50 he owed me" You said putting your mask on before swinging while Peter rushed to put his on following after you.

"Wait for me!" He yelled after you swinging around.

Part 2 or nahh??

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now