Pick up

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This is not a Nat one shot. It is a Peter one shot. You're picking him up from school and showing off cause why not.

Y/N's point of view
Today was Tuesday, nothing special just Tuesday. Everyone was busy. Even your girlfriend, Nat. She was training with grampa and you didn't want to. The smart twins, Bruce and Tony were in the lab doing smart stuff. Peter at school Thor was on Asgard doing King stuff. The twins, no idea where they were. And Clint was at home with his family. You didn't really have nothing to do. You were waiting for Peter to get out of school. You had an idea. A dumb one of course. You never had smart ones. You decided to text Peter.

Y/N: Oi, Parker I'm gonna pick you up after school

Peter: Why? Is there something important going on at the compound?

Y/N: No, can't a friend pick you up from school?

Peter: No, it's just that you're an avenger picking up a random kid from school

Peter: Does Tony know about this?

Y/N: Nope, and he doesn't need to. We'll just come up with an excuse

Peter: Like what?

Y/N: I don't know that your friends weren't at school and your hot aunt couldn't pick you up and you didn't wanna walk

Peter: Great excuse

Peter: Did you just call my aunt hot?

Y/N: Whatttt nooo

Peter: I'm telling Nat


Peter: Alright I get out around 2

Y/N: Alright, see ya later Parker

You put your phone day and went to get ready to pick him up. You passed by Tony on the way back out. "Where are you going?" He asked you raising an eyebrow. "Uh taco's?" You said with a slight smile trying not to be obvious that you were lying. "Alright then" "Can I use your car?" You asked him. "What, no for what" he said looking at you. "I just told you tacos" you said again. "No, you're going to crash" he said looking at his phone. "Please shawty please" you said putting your hands together, practically begging him. "Fine, use whatever but not the orange one. Don't you dare crash" he said and started walking away. "Thank you shawty!" You yelled as he walked away. "Quit calling me that!" He yelled back. You chuckled and went to the garage where he had his cars. You looked at all of them and chose the black sedan.

A cool car

You opened the garage door and got inside the car and drove out to Peter's school. It was 1:57. Not late. You parked (heh get it) outside in the front of the school. It was not 2:03. Some students stared at the car coming out of the school. They didn't notice you until you came out the car. The kids looked at you and whispered. "What's she doing here" "It's Y/N" "She's an avenger" "Does she know someone from here". You smiled and leaned on the car waiting to see Peter. Ned was with him. Once Peter got to you, you did you guys handshake (I don't know, just make one up). You said hi to Ned and he went on his way. Some of kids were gone, but some stood still watching and whispering. Again. "How does he know her" "It's that nerd from fifth period" "That's Peter". You looked at Peter and smirked "Someone's gonna be famous tommorow" you said laughing at Peter. "So this is why you wanted to pick me up?" He said. "Yeah it's a good idea" "You never have a good idea" "That's just rude" you said rolling your eyes. "Alright let's go before people come up to me" You said getting in the car. Peter got in the passenger seat and put his bag in the back. You started the car and revved the engine. All the students were just watching at this point. Peter looked at you like you were crazy. "What? Wouldn't want to run over some kids. I know there's some depressed horny students that want to get ran over by a hot avenger" you said smirking. Peter just looked at you in disbelief "Alright, you know what, just drive" "Already on it Parker" you drove off and arrived at the compound. You and Peter walked to into the compound living room. Everyone was there watching TV and talking. Tony saw you and made a confused look. "When did you get here Peter? And where are your tacos Y/N?" He asked. "What tacos?" You asked him back. "You lied to me" "Whatttt nooo" "Yes you did". You didn't know what to do, so you got your phone out and pretended like you were getting a call. "Oh what's that nat? Ah yeah, I'm coming" you said going to you guys shared room. Clearly it didn't work cause Nat was sitting right there on the couch by Wanda. Tony just watched you walked upstairs. Everyone else was just laughing. Tony looked at Peter "Did you know?" He said pointing at him. "Hey, she said she had an idea and you know what happens when she has an idea. Plus she said you didn't need to know" he said putting his arms up in defense. "Well since she's probably upstairs panicking cause I'm not there, I must go and get her" Nat said standing up from her place and went to the room you went in. You were hiding in the closet thinking Tony would come in. You calmed down hearing your girlfriend's voice. "Babe, it's ok you can come out now" she said. You peeked from the closet door "Is it safe?" You said. "Yes it is"  You came out of the closet, literally, again. You sighed in relief when you didn't see him. You laid on your bed with Nat by your side, cuddling. You two dozed off going to sleep.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff one shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu