Phangirls and Embarrassing Phil

Começar do início

You glare at him, suppressing a smile. "You're so bloody competitive!"

He laughs and flips his hair. "Why, thank you."

You search your head for a comeback. You can't think of one. Dammit.

Dan suddenly curls up beside you and puts his head on your lap, grabbing his phone off the coffee table. You chuckle and play with his slightly wavy hair. He yawns loudly.

"You've yawned about fifty times today, Dan. Go and take a nap!"

He groans. "Can't I just sleep on your knee?"

He looks up at you, and you find yourself getting lost in his eyes. He chuckles at you, making his dimples appear.

"Stop being so adorable," you mutter. "It's not fair."

He just laughs and closes his eyes. "I take that as a yes, then?"

You roll your eyes. "You probably won't take no for an answer, so, sure."

He grunts approvingly.

Minty's POV:

I follow Phil into the 'bubble tea' place he was talking about. I look up at the menu on the wall, choosing the green apple tea immediately. I just really like green apples, I guess.

Phil chooses a chocolate one. I get my purse out to pay, but he shoots me a playful glance and steps up to the till before I can object.

When he's finished paying, he hands me mine.

I look at it warily, observing the little spheres at the bottom of the cup.

"They don't taste very good," Phil says, noticing me looking at them. "I came here with Dan once, and I ate one of those. I almost spat it out."

I chuckle and take a sip of it through the prettily decorated straw. Flavour explodes in my mouth - it's quite sour at first, but gets sweeter. I decide I like it.

"What do you think?" Phil asks, taking a sip of his bubble tea.

"It's nice!" I say cheerfully. "How's yours?"

"I love it. It's my favourite; wanna try?"

I smile. "Sure, want to try mine?"

"Okay," he agrees, swapping his drink with mine. "On three, let's drink a bit. One, two, three!"

We both sip them. I like the chocolate flavour at first, but then the aftertaste kicks in - it reminds me of the taste of soil. Not that I've ever tasted soil... not at all.

I scrunch up my nose, and watch Phil's reaction to my drink. He tilts his head, thinking.

"Eh, it's alright," he decides, shrugging. "How'd you like mine?"

I wrinkle up my nose again. "It tastes like soil."

He laughs and swaps our drinks back. "That's what Dan said, too. I wonder how you know what soil tastes like?" His eyes glint mischievously.

I smile sheepishly. Phil's eyes widen.

"You didn't actually eat soil... did you?"

"I was three, okay?" I blurt out. "I was curious."

He laughs. "I'm imagining a younger version of you eating soil, now."

I roll my eyes. "Great, thanks for that."

"No problem!" he chirps.

Dan's POV:

I open my eyes slowly, and wince at my neck ache. I look up at Y/n, who's still asleep. I groan in discomfort and sit up slowly, trying not to wake her. She doesn't open her eyes, luckily.

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora