Chapter 1: This is Not Scientific

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The librarian of Jiangcheng was a slightly curious woman. She stuffed the books in her hands into the bookshelf according to the numbers. She looked towards the window and saw a woman sitting there at a glance.

There are two piles of books in front of her, which can almost cover the opponent's upper body.

It's been a month.

That woman comes here to study every day, arriving on time at eight o'clock in the morning and leaving on time at five o'clock in the evening. She is a weirdo.

During this month, the woman's reading content covered all aspects, from natural science to social science, from folklore to novels.

It's like an ignorant person understanding the world.

She shook her head and sighed. As expected, when she looked over, there was already a young man sitting next to her.

The man was handsome and fair-skinned. He took out his cell phone and said something to the woman shyly. Then the woman shook her head with an indifferent expression, then stopped talking and continued reading with her head buried in her book, turning a blind eye to the people around her.

The young man sat there for a while, but when he saw that the other party didn't respond at all, he had no choice but to leave with a blushing face.

Librarians are used to this. In fact, she was able to remember Wang Zhao in the first place because of her good looks.

The woman's eyebrows were as clear and light as mountains and rivers, and her overly pale skin made her eyes even darker. She held an ID card between her knuckled fingers and said she wanted to apply for a library card.

The voice is clear and cold.

It seems difficult to get close to such a person.

At least in this short month, no less than ten men had failed before her eyes, let alone when she couldn't see them.

But Wang Zhao, who was sitting by the window and reading a book, had no time to care whether others were hurt by her indifference.

The story started two months ago. Somehow, she came to this world as soon as she woke up. At that time, she was lying on the hospital bed and felt like vomiting whenever she moved. The doctor said it was a minor concussion caused by a car accident and she had to stay in bed. Just lie down.

At that time, Wang Zhao's head was in chaos. Whenever she recalled it, her head was like a projector. Fuzzy fragments kept flashing in her mind. The pain was severe. After that, in order to recuperate, she had to settle down and think about nothing, after lying in bed for more than half a month, she can finally go to the ground.

After being able to go to the ground, Wang Zhao couldn't rest anymore, but she couldn't recall the past memories. Everything seemed to be covered with a veil. Her parents were not there that day. Wang Zhao felt bored and slipped out of the ward and went downstairs to prepare. She went to the supermarket to buy some things and saw a man with a big belly in the lobby of the hospital.

At first, she didn't think much about it, thinking that some kind of disease caused the man to have a big belly. After all, there are many strange diseases in the world, but then when she was walking by, she heard a middle-aged man asking him about his birth in a low voice. When was the period? He looked like he was about to give birth. At that moment, Wang Zhao couldn't describe her reaction when she heard that sentence.

Frightened? Stunned?

It's like dreaming.

When she came to her senses, her first thought was that this was unscientific.

Is that man pregnant?

Could it be that the medical technology in this world has developed to the point where men can have children?

Various thoughts flashed through her mind, and her entire worldview was being collapsed and reshaped.

On this day, she sat at the entrance of the hospital for a long time, watching the people coming and going. A huge GG sign hung on the shopping mall opposite. It was a poster of a male star endorsing "maternal and infant products".

The male star looks good. His brows and eyes reveal gentleness, which is very suitable for this endorsement.

The world seemed to be upside down with yin and yang. It was at this moment that Wang Zhao remembered the strange feeling that she had always ignored when her original parents got along.

It turns out that in their family, it is not an exception for the male to be the domestic leader and the female to be the external leader, but it is the norm in this world.

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