Yeah, compensation for the damages.

He took over the Borison estate to receive it.

This was his chance to challenge them and make a significant profit.

'Let's contact them right away. This is an opportunity to get my money!'

Raymond's eyes lit up.

This was the first day he'd ever looked forward to contacting the Magic Tower.


Shameron, the head of the Magic Tower branch of the Houston Kingdom, was contacted.

"Haha, long time no see, Count! Will you finally become a disciple of the Magic Tower...?"

"No, I have business to discuss."

Shameron's bright expression turned dark in an instant.

-W-What? Issues with the magic mine? That's why there's an epidemic? T-That can't be true!

"Here is the evidence."

Raymond presented the information he had uncovered to Shameron, who couldn't utter a word.

The issues with the magic mine were crystal clear.

"You can verify it again through the Magic Tower's investigators if you'd like."

-... Alright.

Shameron responded with a solemn expression.

-I express deep regret for the unfortunate events that have occurred. Although it appears to be an unavoidable natural disaster, we acknowledge our ethical responsibility and will consider compensation.

Raymond frowned.

Calling it a natural disaster and claiming ethical responsibility felt like an attempt to shift blame away from themselves.

"So, what compensation does the Magic Tower plan to provide?"

- We will repay the agreed-upon 300,000 penas promised for the Borison territory. Additionally, we will assist in closing the magic stone mine at the lowest possible cost.

Raymond let out a bitter laugh.

'Is that all you offer, just to cover your tracks with that?'

The primary responsibility for this incident lies with the unknown culprits, who must be caught and held accountable.

Yet, that doesn't absolve the Magic Tower of its responsibilities.

Entrusting a substantial amount of money for the construction of the mining facility to the Magic Tower was aimed at preventing unforeseen disasters like this.

However, the Magic Tower failed to properly inspect the issues with the magic stone, and they were partly responsible for the current situation.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me which mage inspected the magic stone mine during the recent examination?"

Shameron remained silent.

-...It was handled by a mage of the lowest rank.

Raymond let out a bitter laugh at the response.

A regular wizard.

Now, an apprentice wizard without the greenhorn label handled it.

By the way, Raymond's current wizard grade registered with The Magic Tower was also 'regular'.

Shameron, perhaps acknowledging his mistake, spoke with a rigid tone.

-...The mage's grade dispatched depends on the quality of the stones. Following the procedure... Of course, recognizing our ethical responsibility, we will offer a slightly lower closure cost for the mine.

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