Starting from the mine, he examined the water in the valley, finding it clear upstream.

The troublesome substance was confirmed to be emanating from the magic stone mine.

'That's sufficient evidence for me.'

Raymond returned to the manor.

He then formally requested a meeting with Count Trentby.

-Why am I here with you?

"I am commanding you as a commissioned officer. If you do not comply, I will punish you by the authority of His Majesty the King."

Raymond spoke coldly.

No matter how vital his own self-interest might be, he was proceeding with the crystal mining, irrespective of the consequences for others.

The words couldn't have come out delicately.


Count Trentby was compelled to consent to the meeting, and Raymond brought with him all the lords who had followed him as a means of pressuring him.

Lord Thor.

Lord Mefin.

Lord Kran.

Lord Ranson.

These four lords accompanied him as backup.

They weren't the only ones.

Raymond now wielded more influence than all four of them combined.

Not only was he the de facto lord of Luin, but he also held authority over Kunka and Boyle, both of which had lost their lords through unfortunate circumstances.

In essence, Raymond had become the simultaneous lord of three lands, and he was on the verge of becoming the feudal lord.

There stood Elmud, the kingdom's most skilled knight, and Christine, the probable heir to the kingdom's highest dukedom.

In contrast, Count Trentby was isolated, and he gritted his teeth.

'No one is coming.'

In fact, before the meeting, he had requested the other lords who supported him to accompany him.

But they all made excuses and declined.

'I'm not feeling well....'

'I had an emergency on the estate....'

While these were feeble excuses, it was evident why.

The tide had shifted in Raymond's favor.

There were ten major estates in the Rafalde Province.

Of these, seven now fell under Raymond's influence, effectively placing the entire Rafalde region under his control.

'Count Trentby's reign is over.'

'Don't stir up more trouble.'

Moreover, Raymond had pinpointed Count Trentby's mine as the cause of the current abnormality.

Raymond was unquestionably the foremost expert on epidemics within the Houston Kingdom.

What he stated carried an air of certainty.

Count Trentby was now facing inevitable doom.

Everyone was well aware of this fact.


Count Trentby himself knew it too.

He simply couldn't bring himself to admit it.

He had once harbored dreams of toppling Raymond and assuming the role of feudal lord over Rafalde.

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