"Why"? He asked and Greg looked at him with surprise then confusion

"Uh... I already told you Sp.... Sorry Mr DeVille, it's a good business deal and you have nothing to lose if you take it" he muttered obviously scared of the monster standing in front of him.

He made a face and nodded his head slowly his eyes trailing over to the young man who hadn't said anything since he walked into the office
"And what makes you think your daughter would agree to this"? He asked and Greg just chuckled

"Of course she will, she's not going to be a problem, infact we can call her now and get this over with" he muttered before picking up the landline and calling on his cook to get his daughter upstairs.

While they waited, Spade couldn't help but really look at the young man who looked very clueless to what was happening.
This was the person he'd be working with in the coming months, this weak, almost half witted young and scared man or should he say boy.
Someone who could barely meet his gaze, how was he supposed to work with him.

He looked at his, like really studied his facial features, he had dark almost brown hair, but it was dark, to dark to be considered brown, more like dusty black.
His face was neatly shaved, making him look a bit childlike, and his skin was pale and sickly, that may be the result of the 'Spade effect' as he likes to call it.
The effect of fear he has on people he comes across. And his lips, very small and almost invincible, a bit darker than the rest of his skin.

He didn't look anything older than 25 or less, but yet he was running his father's businesses and he was running it good but yet his father still found a way to be neck in deep in debt, not just any kind of debt, debt with the devil himself.

Spade was still watching Nathan when the young man's eyes involuntarily landed on him, and he could see the fear, shock and surprise in those brown eyes before he quickly looked away.

What a pussy, he can't even maintain eye contact, not that most people could with Spade, but he expected more from a CEO that was this good in the business world.

"Why is he here"? His voice boomed in the room making the young man look at him briefly.

Greg let out a deep breath "uhm... Like I said he's my son and also the CEO of my company, he runs all the business so he has to be here for the signing, as a witness of course" he rushed out

"Signing of what"? His voice cut through the tension and it was nothing like Spade expected, not that he had high expectations but it sounded way different that he imagined.

He expected the voice to be Neel, nothing more of a whisper, matching his whole appears but he was wrong, and Spade is hardly ever wrong about anything.

Instead his voice, was soft, gentle, not hard and not meek either.
Loud enough to be heard, but low enough to be gentle and soft, like music.

Since entering the room, this will be the first time he'd be saying a word and his voice grabbed the attention of Spade in a way he didn't expect.

He just kept staring at the young man

"You'll see" Greg muttered grimacing at the young man before he took the drink and took a huge swig of it.

He looked at his watch and this was taking too long, where is she.
He was about to ask when the doors opened and she walked in.

He was right, it was the girl he saw when he just walked into the house.
The one with the apron, she still had the apron on

Her eyes darted between her father and her brother before they landed on Spade, he just watched her and his gaze definitely made her uncomfortable, he thrived on that.

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