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It's 9:00 am, in the bright shiny morning, fresh cold breeze surfaced the whole air, brushing away every drastic thoughts from my mind for awhile.

Everything was going great, so far, the whole place was decorated with fresh beautiful flowers, favour by Mr. Kim himself. The long pastel carpet was laid till it reached the aisle, I don't know why but both of them—the bride and the groom— chose pastel rather than typical red.

The walls of the whole hall was gleaming with its gloden aura, a hint of silver's beauty were flaunting all over the place. Each table was draped in golden and white, little gratitude vase of flower was on top of it. Not to mention, but the big chandelier took all the attention out of everything.

I sighed, happy that everything was going pretty well, now all I've to do was to checked the groom and the bride.

I walked towards the room of Yoongi, on my way I was continuously thinking about him, though I didn't want to but i couldn't help it at all. Not after what I had thought, said, conveyed to Namjoon.

I bit my lips as I knocked on the door. The door opened with a force, for my relief, Jungkook wasn't the one on the other side of the door. I smiled as Hoseok welcomed me in, greeting me with his unique charming smile.

"I came here to see, if everything is okay or not, you know..." I trailed off, as my eyes caught the person standing next to Yoongi. He was in his grey suit, hair pushed back showing his forehead. In conclusion, he was looking so handsome as ever.

He didn't look at me, a firm part of me wanted to know why he didn't even take a simple glance at me. Suddenly, I felt annoyed, not understanding this unknowing distance between us.

"Bro,don't ruin it." Jungkook said, fixing the bowtie.

I looked at the groom, it was so clear that he didn't want that bowtie to tied around his neck. As long as I got to know him, this things itches him the most.

"Oh I hate this!" He growled. I knew it.

"But you've to, now don't make that face." Jin scolded him.

"Stop making that face!" Now Taehyung.

"You'll ruin everything!" And now my boss, Namjoon. He was so annoyed with everything.

"Hey, Areum." Hoseok turned me around from the scene. "Why don't you look at the bride's room? I guess it will help you but not this..." He huffed as the chaos began. "Please, go." He pushed me, out of the chaotic room.

A laugh left from my mouth, before I erased it completely. I walked towards the other direction now. But, here the scene was completely different, not like the other one.

"You look...beautiful!" Crystal gasped, while we all are gaping at the beauty of the bride.

It took two hours—to be exact—to ready our bride for her big day. I still remembered the day, Aera was so tensed about her dress then Taehyung showing up and helped her. My friends, Jungkook even Seokjin, they all said that they agreed to help because of me. But i doubted it.

Cause if they did, then they wouldn't poured their last hint of emotions in it. No. Rather they chose to be the helper, for Aera and Yoongi, forgetting about all the drastic past stories. And i couldn't be more grateful for that.

"Seriously, she's looking so good." Aera's cheeks were getting warm, unable to took all of this beautiful words coming out from my friend's mouth. Now her also.

"Yeah, she is. Now, it would be great if you shut up and fix this necklace!" Lia said, a bobby pin was in her mouth.

I shook my head, as I walked near her and pulled out the pin from her mouth. She looked at the pin before going to fixed the gown, again.

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