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".... And that's why I wanted to do it with her—" Mark stopped abruptly, as he saw Jungkook, who's busy following Mr. Kang by his side eyes. Like a sly fox.

Mark squints his eyes as he looks towards the same direction like Jungkook. He looks between them back and forth, but didn't understand a single thing. Sometimes he wonder what's actually going inside his fellow colleague's mind.

Jungkook is actually having a debate with himself. Whether he needs to go to his desk or just doing what he's doing right now. Nothing just having a close look.

Mark sighs when he noticed that his friend isn't going to divert his gaze. He elbows him, "what're you looking at?" Though he knew the answer.


"If look can kill a person then Mr. Kang will surely be in heaven by now." Mark chuckles, as Jungkook finally decides to divert his eyes from that old man to him. "Woah what with that intense look, dude." He adds.

Jungkook sighs, nervous and tired. He answers "Have you ever feel something bad about him?" He again looked towards the same person as before.

Mark blinks his eyes, perplexed of that sudden question. "Well..." He starts "I don't know. I mean everyone loves him. For his work and enthusiasm and... Lovable nature?" He isn't sure about the last word he just said.

Jungkook laughs, "Enthusiasm... Lovable nature, Bullshit!" Mark widen his eyes, the choice of his word for an old man. "Hey, jungkook everything is fine right?" He asks.

He nods, "yeah everything will be fine." . He gets up from his seat and went towards Mr. Kang's desk. Finally.

He takes a file and placed it on his table. Mr. Kang raised an eyebrow and looks up at him. He pushes his glasses down the bridge of his nose. His eyes met the cold one of him.

Jungkook suddenly smiles, "this particular file needs your precious signature sir!". Mr. Kang didn't understand anything. Does he just mock him? Or what?

" Did you just—"

"Sir, I just need your signature. That's all."

He blinks his eyes before taking his pen from his pocket. He open the file and just went to sign it, but Jungkook words stop him, right there.

"Please read before you sign.....anything." That long pause is for him to stop or think twice. But he didn't get it. So he just chuckled thinking that the boy in front of him is just blabbering anything.

"Don't joke around Jungkook." He signed the papers and closed the pen lid. "I'm not in the mood." Jungkook chuckles, he takes the file and bowed to him.

But before he can take his leave, he said it out loud, "well you should sir. Cause who knows what happens in next minute, right?" Taunt cleared in his voice.

Mr. Kang suddenly felt something that he couldn't feel earlier. The sudden desperation in Jungkook's voice indicates him that something is going on, in this company. He slumped on his chair, started thinking for any consequences. But his mind clear the possibilities of him getting caught by anyone.

"It's done?" Lia asked, when Jungkook gave her the file, where Mr. Kang recently left his signature, precious signature.

"I said that I'll do it, at any cost." Jungkook puts his butt on the chair and leaned back a little. He smirks at the thought of Mr. Kang's stupidity. He did something so stupid.

What? That will unveil later.

Lia check the file once again, a smile of relief plasters on her face. She's indeed so happy and proud. Their plan is working. Mr. Kang is now in their trap, legally. And now all they've to do is find out the main culprit. That's hard.

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