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"Mam, you can't meet her right now. It's not even lunch time."

"I know I know. But my friend-I mean I'm here for my friend. I really have to talk to her for a serious matter and look—" You brought up a lunch box in front of her. "She even forgot about her lunch today."

The receptionist looked at you and then again at the lunch box. She sighed and called someone. After talking a little bit she moved towards you with a boring face.

"You can go and—"

"Ah thank you. Next time I'll remember to call her first, bye!" And with that you just dashed out from there. The girl shook her head, "she didn't even know where is her cabin." She murmured.

You confidently started walking. But a sudden realisation hits you and you halted on your steps. You don't know where's her cabin and you don't even wait for the receptionist to tell you about that.

"Aish now what?" You mentally scolded yourself for being so careless. You mind is so occupied that you couldn't even doing anything right.

You looked here and there only to find people who are so much into their work. And don't even a time to look out from their computer screen.

Just then you heard someone's footsteps coming behind you. You hopefully turned your heels and the smile you had a minute ago dropped, completely. The person who're coming is none other than your previous date, Taehyung.

He's so engrossed in his phone that couldn't see you and walked past by you. You immediately fake coughed for his attention. But he didn't stopped and said—

"Just drink some water!"

No wonder, Lia was right actually. You scoffed and decide to called him. But before you can do this you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. You turned around and for your surprise your friend was standing there.

"What're you doing here? Didn't the receptionist told you about—"

"I'm glad!"


"Nothing can we go to your cabin?" She nodded her head before guiding you to the way of her own cabin. You follow her like a lost puppy.

Entering her cabin you looked at the surrounding. She really has a big office for her own. There's a big table in the center, the table is quite messy with all the files and all. But other than that the whole area is good for work. Not to mention the big glass window behind her table is really giving a beautiful scenery of outside.

"Woah this place is really cool!" You mentioned before taking a seat. "This place is really not cool. By the way can i know about your sudden arrival?" Your friend states. Definitely she's in hurry.

"Actually you forgot about your lun—"

"Areum now don't give me those useless excuses. I'm not the receptionist who just thought that you really brought a lunch box for me. Correction the empty lunch box."

You chuckled."hey! Who said it's empty? There's an infinite amount of love that you can't even digest!" Lia rolled her eyes.

"Enough now say what's the matter?"

You coughed, "Actually my mom's coming—"

"That's a great news!" She responded while checking something on her phone.

"No it's not. She doesn't know that I'm jobless and you know that she'll not listen to me at all and drag me out from here. Last time i was so close to get caught and i don't know what'll happen this time."

"That's the greatest news then—"

"I should've gone to Crystal!"

"Yeah you definitely should."

You slammed your hand startling her a little as you got up. "This isn't done you've to do something about it. You're my friend Lia."

"Okay I'll. Don't worry—"

"I've found something and—" A male voice suddenly entered into the scene. You looked towards where the voice was coming and you just froze.

"You?" The two surprised person let out at the same time. You stared at him angrily where he just looks at you guilty. Guilt because of his previous act.

Jungkook divert his gaze from you towards your friend, "I'm here for the previous matter. But I think I should talk to you later." He said ready to go out but Lia stopped him.

"Uhm if you don't mind then can you guide her out of the office. She'll get lost by—"

"Yah! I'm not a toddler. I remember everything, I've to take the right turn first then left then... Then, then—"

"Then you'll reach the stairs of heaven!" Lia rolled her eyes. "Please Jungkook."

He doesn't know what he's feeling right now. Happy? So he can talk with her and said sorry? Or angry? Because they'll again gonna fought on their way.

"Jungkook" He snapped back.

"Huh.. Oh yeah I'm okay with it. Please follow me." With that he opened the door and waited outside.

"So I'll call you later—"

"I'll kill you later. How the f*ck you just asked him to do this? Why? You can call Taehyung or leave all of them. Why not you?"

Lia sighed "I really have to go for a meeting Areum. Thanks for your love-lunchbox and I'll help with the matter of your mother. And don't think too much and go, he'll not bite you."

"You better look into this matter or else you're dead!"

You made your way outside and looked around. He's not there. Obviously he'll not be here of me. Why would he? Jerk!

"I'm here!" Your eyes snapped towards the left and there he's waiting near the elevator. You sighed and went towards his direction. Towards his direction, again.

He looked at you with his soft gaze. And you didn't dare to look at him, right into his eyes. You'll not gonna do that, otherwise you will be lost in his eyes again. And you're not gonna do that, never again.


How do I handle this zig zag characters..

How do I handle this zig zag characters

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