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"Jungkook please. This is the last I promise!"




"Woah why are you two shouting at this hour?" Mark exclaimed and walked towards us. "Any problem?" He asked looking at both of us.

Yoona made a face before looking at him. "I just requested to him to give this files to Mam. But he's so stubborn—"

"Again? I guess this is the third time you're requesting me the same thing. She asked you to do it not me!" I snapped. Mark held my shoulder and stopped me.

"Yoona it's your job not his. And if you still insist then I can go—"

"Jungkook!" I looked behind and saw a lady. I walked towards her, "yes?".

"Miss Lia called you. She needs you right now at her cabin."

"Right now?" She nods her head and take her leave. As soon as she left I felt something hard on my hand. I looked down and saw the files. This girl is really annoying.

"Now that she called you." She gave me a cheeky smile before continue. "Why don't you take this with you?" I looked over at Mark who pursed his lips and turned around.

Everyone is pissing me off right now.

"You're really annoying!" I harshly take those files and took my leave before I can loose my temper over this short girl.

On the way of her cabin I saw Taehyung. It's been so many days that we didn't talk to each other. It's completely my fault. But at least he should talk to me about that incident. And whenever I want to start a conversation he simply ignored me.

I heaved a sigh and makes my way towards her cabin. I knocked at her door before come in. There she is working on her laptop, determined. I coughed to get her attention. She looked up before gesturing me to sit down. I placed the files on her table and took a seat in front of her.

"I guess Yoona again persuade you to bring this files with you." She chuckled, eyes are still locked on the screen.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"You've to wait for Taehyung. Once he come then we'll discuss about a serious matter." She said and started checking those files.

Taehyung will be here? What's the case?

Before I can thought more of it I heard a knock. And the next thing I saw is Taehyung came in with a file. His posture is somehow firm. I saw him a moment ago, but he's not looked like this before. Something must happened.

"Ah Mr. Kim." Lia said as she stands up from her place. I also did the same. Taehyung somehow froze for a second but then gradually approach us. He put the file and takes a seat beside me.

"So can we start?" He said while looking over both of us.

"Yeah sure." Lia closed her laptop and open the file. There's some pictures, some data and a lawsuit. It looks like an agreement. I get more perplexed now.

"Jungkook" Lia spoke and give me the photos to look. And I really don't understand what's actually happening. "That's the picture between Mr. Kang and The manager of our rival company Mr. Lee." My eyes widen looking at those pictures.

The pictures are all taken when they met up or having a discussion, more like secret discussion. Does that mean that he's somehow backstabbing us? That means—

"He's the one who basically gave all the secret information to Mr. Kim's company. Huh what a backstabber!" Taehyung scoffed definitely gets angry. He throw the agreement to me and I saw that it's an agreement between them two.

"You were right Jungkook. He's definitely not a good person at all."

That's true. When I first got a job here Mr. Kang took my interview. And from that day I didn't like his vibes. I don't know but his eyes and his mouth are always tells other things. He's a perfect liar. I told Taehyung about it but he denied it, telling me that he's the oldest person here.

"What can I do with it?" I asked looking straight towards Lia. "Just follow his every steps. I'm damn sure he's up to something big. I didn't get so much time with you all. But you're there with him. Just one wrong move and we'll capture him."

"I can—"

"I know you can Jungkook." Taehyung spoke as he hold my shoulder. After a week we're actually talking. As much as I want to smile right now but I can't. It's not the time for it Jungkook.

"Jesus this old man is really a big traitor!" We both looked towards her, who's busy checking those pictures and files. We let out a chuckle and her head snapped at us.

"Geez don't laugh. I really want to ki—"

"Don't do it. I don't want an old ghost in our company."

"Shut up!"


"Woah! I never know that you had someone Taehyung." I chuckled looking at their faces. Lia composed herself and Taehyung coughed before turning himself towards my direction.

"I don't have or had someone, understand? And it's an official place. So, don't brag anything which is personal."

Yeah, yeah I know what's happening with both of you.

"I'm going now and I hope that you'll do this work properly. Remember jungkook we believe you that's why I took you out of all of them." He said adjusting his blazer.

"I'll do my job properly." I bowed before walking towards the exit. They again started their talking. I stopped and turned around "Now that I'm going, I hope you two spent your time nicely!" I winked.

"Jungk—" Before he can burst out on me I simply walked out from her cabin.

Smiling happily I went towards our cabin. But my steps halted abruptly as I saw someone. The someone whom I want to remove from me but I can't. She's standing there talking with the receptionist.




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