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You know what, I thought that it'll be easier for me, for at least persuade my friends. But in reality, it's actually way too harder, than i can think off. When they came to know about my, I mean our plan. They all simply rejected the offer, without any hesitation, like didn't even think twice about it.

I failed miserably, but I'll not stop until they 'yes'.

Namjoon gave me an idea to gather everyone at his house, in order to discuss the plan of the marriage. So, now we all are here.

Anyone can say that they aren't interested, just by looking at their faces. All are looking so bore as ever, I don't know what I need to do to get them in one team.

I felt very bad at first when I saw that Namjoon trying his best to convince atleast one person, but he failed. A sudden anger boil up in me, without any second thought I stand up, breaking their attention from him to me.

"Listen, Everyone. I know you guys aren't really eager, but  at least please do this for the sake of us. You all are kind of friends of them, don't you? Yoongi is your friend!" I point to the direction where Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jin are sitting with a blank face .

"And Aera is also has no one to beg-"

"Who says you that she has no one?" We all turned our head to the front door. When our eyes caught a new female figure, who's standing there with a small frown on her face. Who is she?

"You guys simply thought that, Aera has no friend huh?" She laughs before entering in the room.

"Wait.. Who- who are you?" I asked being super perplexed of the fact that an unknown person literally barged into the room, and made herself comfort on the couch.

"I'm Joori, Namjoon knows me."

"Well, I don't know you'll just simply return back to this country, all of a sudden!" Namjoon mutters while looking at her.

I don't know what's happening here, cause the way they're lookin at each other. It's feel like that if we get ourselves out from them, then you'll definitely see the third world War in a second.

"Wait guys! Calm down. So Jaori.. I mean Joori you're from who's side? Aera?" She looks at me as if I asked the most dumb question.

"Isn't that so obvious?" She chuckles, " Well yes, I'm her best friend!" Ok, so?

"I called her  yesterday." Namjoon states, looking at her. I nod my head while sitting down beside Crystal, who's busy watching the new lady in front of her.

"So you guys didn't want to help my Aera and his fiance?" Joori scoffs and throw a disgusting look at everyone.

I shake my head in denial, "Joori it's not like that. They are jus-"

"Yes, we're willing to do anything for their happy marriage!" Jimin exclaims excitedly, you heard a scoff left from Crystal's mouth. "I swear to God that I'll kill him!" Crystal murmurs while clutching the soft cushion tightly.

I cleared my throat, "uhm, so now that you're saying ye-"

"Areum it's just him, not us." Crystal states as she fold her arms. Now this sudden change is obviously for Jimin. Namjoon roll his eyes, which is very unprofessional but i know, his reaction is too obvious right now.

"Well speaking about the plan, I'm in it. So, Areum include my name in your list!" Taehyung declares as he shifts comfortably in his seat.

My face suddenly lits up. I don't know if it's a sudden effect of Joori, or not. I'm happy, atleast they're agreeing which me and Namjoon are trying to do for like four days.

To my surprise, Jungkook also get agreed to this. And when he said that everyone, present in the room get shocked, including Jooti. I think she knows him, and the past relationship.

Everyone agreed to stick with this plan, well apart from two girls. Lia and Crystal. I still understands Crystal's point but what about my other friend?

"So you guys really don't want to-"

"I changed my mind, include me as well!" Crystal quickly turned her head towards Lia, as if she betrayed her. "You.. How can you say yes? We just met Yoongi and that man just a stone man. Beside Aera isn't our friend-"

"Hey watch your mouth!" Joori snaps

"You should keep shut your big mouth!" Crystal snaps back.

"Hey! both of you shut up. Gosh, Crystal don't be jealous and think practically. It's not about only their marriage. Our friend needs help from us. And you'll not help her? Will you just show your back when she needs you the most?" Everyone looked at Lia in awe. How good she's to give a damn speech! Now no one can reject it.

"Crystal!" Lia again called her name. The latter sighed before nods her head in understanding. Jimin claps his hand but stopped when Crystal passed him a strong glare.

"Okay so now, we'll decide who will be in charge of which work!" I began. "Hmm we should divide into the group. In that case, it'll be convenient to do our work quickly in time!" Everyone nod in understanding.

"But we've our own work. So how can we manage this?" Jungkook spoke for the first time. My eyes diverts towards him. "Uh in that case, I guess-"

"Okay I got it. We've to overwork!" He simply states while others get panicked and looked at me. I really want to smack his head, so hard.

"Hey! I can help Aera with everything. But only on weekends, I really just can't leave my work like that instantly." Crystal puts her arm on my shoulder, before continuing, "And I hope her best friend will also help us?"

"Oh yeah! We girls can work with that! And besides I'm well aware of her every choice. So, it'll be easier for you!" Joori claps her hand enthusiastically, while everyone sat there in proper silence. So she stopped, and coughed to get rid of any awkwardness.

"I'm free in this week. I can help you as well, Areum!" Jimin starts "uhm how about we boys set up everything for Yoongi and you girls sets up for Aera?"

I look over at Namjoon, who is in deep thought. Jimin awkwardly smiles, scratching his neck he said, "I guess it's not right—"

"It's actually great, move forward with this plan." Jimin break into a amused smile when Namjoon declare that.

"Okay then from tomorrow, we'll start everything!" I said putting down my pad on the table. Everyone nod their head and Namjoon left a relief of sigh.

Now that everything is settled. I've to do my job more enthusiastically. Looking at the current situation we've to work fast but beautifully. I hope I don't mess up anything. My thoughts took a pause when I hears a sudden knock. We looked at the door .

"Uh I didn't miss anything, right?" It's Hoseok!


Happy 10th year anniversary!! 💜

Happy 10th year anniversary!! 💜

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