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I opened the door and gradually entered into the kitchen. After putting the grocery items in the kitchen cabinet, I took a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it.

"Oh no, but it's mine now. You missed your chance." I closed my eyes in frustration. That dude was really annoying. But his voice is so similar to someone else's. It might be my mistake.

A sudden voice took me out from my thoughts. Startling a little I turned around and saw Crystal!? She's already at home.

"Oh you're here, my gosh. Just check your phone Areum." She hurriedly said before took the bottle from my hand. I took out my phone from my pocket.

"What do you mean? I didn't rece-" I stopped when I saw how many times she had called me. Why didn't I hear?

That store dude. It's not his fault but still it's his fault. If he wasn't that desperate over a bottle of banana milk. Then I wouldn't have chased him and I would've heard her call. Annoying jerk.

"You're zoned out again, AREUM" I startled as I looked at her. Who has a confused face. She sighed and went out from the kitchen. Again, it's his fault.

I went out from the kitchen and plopped down on the sofa. I sat beside her and hugged the soft cushion before leaned back. Crystal was so busy with her phone that she didn't even look at me.

"Are you talking to Jimin right now?" Being slightly annoyed I asked her. She shook her head and bite her lips. She's tensed but why?

"What's bothering you so much?" I asked.

"Mhm, it's just...why didn't I get a reply?" She murmured and I couldn't understand whom she's actually referring.


"It's li-" She stopped as the bell suddenly rang. Signalling us that someone has came. We both looked at each other. But I saw a slight smile on her face. What's actually happening?

"Crystal, go and open the door." She shook her head as she shifted on her place. "Crystal please I'm tired." She again denied. The bell was continuously ringing, making me more frustrated than I already was.


"Please Areum, open the door. It'll make you happy."

"How come a random person make me happy? You duffer."

"Uh huh don't forget that this duffer had saved your life , last night." She retorted back.

"You-" The bell started ringing again. Why this damn bell is cutting me off? What about Crys-

"Ahh coming. Hold on." Throwing the cushion on her face, I got up and went to open the damn door.

Whoever is there, I'm going to punch him/her first. It doesn't matter who's the person,out there. I opened the door furiously and my fist is just going to punch the face... But I stopped. As two arms just wrapped me tightly in a warm embrace.

I couldn't believe my own eyes of what I'm seeing right now. My eyes are widen and mouth gaped. Anyone who saw me in the situation would think that I might have seen a ghost.

"Uhm hi, Areum... Long time no see." Did I just heard right? Is this person really standing in front of me? Am I daydreamin-

"You're not daydreaming. She's really here, miss Areum." Crystal said as she stood right beside me with a happy smile.

"Will you not welcome me?" I binked my eyes before turning my gaze to Crystal. She nodded her head as a sign that what I'm seeing right now is true. I sighed before turning to her direction and quickly engulfed her in a long hug, again.

"Aww just look at you. You're both good for each other." Crystal cooed and we just laughed before pulled away.

"I missed you alot, Areum." She said and a happy tear left from my eyes. "I missed you more."

"Uhm if your lovey dovey talking is done then you can enter into the house, Lia." Crystal said and we nodded our head.

She entered as I kept looking at her. She's one of my closest friend, Lia. I somehow felt very relieve just by looking at her. Now that she has come, it'll be easier for me to get over every problem. And we'll pamper Crystal more.

"Gosh! I can't believe you're finally here, with us. Oh Areum, do you like the surprise?" My smile dropped. Surprise? That means Crystal knew about her arrival.

"You know that.. You, you didn't tell me Lia. That's not right." I whined and they just chuckled.

"Idiot, if I told you earlier then who'll see your surprise face. You know what I should took a picture, but alas! I forgot about it." She pouted and Crystal started laughing.

"Oh god, Lia" Forget my words. I thought she'll be by my side but no , She betrayed me.

"But Areum, I'm so happy. Gosh you guys don't know how I got a job here."

"You already got a job?" Crystal said in amazement.

"She's not like you. She doesn't do anything without plan, Crystal." Crystal nodded her head and I sit down on the couch.

"Where's my room though? I'm exhausted."

"You can stay in the room beside mine. Don't worry, it's clean. Just go take shower and join us for dinner."

"Uh about dinner... Areum, do you still like Bibimbap?"

"Oh hell yes. You don't even have to ask her. Where's the food though?" Crystal said as she started inspecting her bag. But I know Lia didn't bring anything. We both used to cook Bibimbap, so she might be talking about that.

"Huh, where's the foo-"

"We'll make it together, Crystal." I announced as I got up and getting ready for it. It's been so many days that I made that dish.

"Yes, I'll take a quick shower and join you two."

"Two? No, I'm not doing it."

"Yes, you're. Now go Crystal." I dragged her and gave a wink to Lia. Who just laughed.

_ _

I've nothing to say honestly, just look at that smileHow can you be still alive???

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I've nothing to say honestly, just look at that smile
How can you be still alive???

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