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"I could get used to this." I mumble with my mouth full.

"To what?"

"You giving me sponge baths and feeding me jello." I smirk and wink at Jimin sitting on the edge of my bed. He laughs and blushes. There's absolutely no need for him to feed me, but he insisted so I happily let him do it.

"Well, I think it's a fair trade. You saved my life and I feed you jello."

"Totally fair." I laugh. "But, don't you have anything better to do today? What about Lachimolala?"

"They're fine."

"Well, maybe for today, but you said you'll bring me to your place tomorrow and take care of me while I recover. You really don't have to do that..."

"I want to. Besides, Hoseok said he'll help with Lachimolala. He's actually going there tomorrow."

"Really?" I straighten my back and tilt my head. "When did you talk with him?"

"Oh, he was here. Those yellow flowers are from him." Jimin points at one of the bouquets on the window sill.

My eyes glide over all the vases with flowers. "Ah yeah, I was going to ask you, who brought all those?"

"So, the first one is from Jisoo and Lisa, second from Hoseok, third from Namjoon and Seokjin, fourth from some other people from Honsool, sorry I forgot their names... Woosung and Do-something? Oh and the last one ehh... those are actually for me as well, from Taemin..."

"Excuse me what?"

"Yeah... He apologised to me again about his single and all the false rumours it started about me..."

"Well, that's... kind of nice. I guess." I admit grudgingly. I wrongfully blamed him for a bunch of shit, so perhaps I need to adjust my opinion of him a little bit... Just a bit.

"Mmm. He didn't stay long, though. Oh, and your parents were also here, but they didn't bring any flowers because, well... when they came from Daegu it was in the middle of the night and... it wasn't sure yet if you... well anyway, they said they'd be back later today after work."

"Whoa. You met my parents?" I gulp.

"Yeah! They're so kind. They felt bad for having to leave before you woke up, but I've been messaging them."

"You what? Are you bondig with my parents before I introduced you to them myself?"

Jimin laughs and pushes the tray away after finishing the jello. "Don't worry, I didn't tell them I was your little boy toy. You can still introduce me as your boyfriend when they come back." He grabs my hand and scoots closer to me. "I mean... You don't have to..."

"Of course I will. They have no problems with my sexuality, if that's what you're wondering."

"Also that, but if you think it's too soon to tell them about us, I'd understand. It's only been a few hours after all."

"A few hours is long enough." I squeeze his hand. "But then, how did everyone else know I'm here? I assume my parents are my emergency contacts, but the rest?"

"Right... About that..." Jimin nibbles on his bottom lip before continuing. "You've been on the news."

"The news?? How?"

"Apparently someone filmed the police and ambulance arriving to your apartment building from the opposite building. You can see the police drag Narae out, and then the ambulance personnel with you and I, covered in blood..." Jimin pauses to shiver. "I never want to see that footage again."

"Damn." I fold my legs cross-legged and lean back against the headboard a bit too harshly, forgetting my wound. "Ah!"

"Careful! Are you alright? Let me see." Jimin pulls me against him so he can look at the bandage on the back of my shoulder. "Seems fine. Here, lean on your pillow."

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