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The elevator picks us up to head to the 8th floor after making us wait for a while, probably it held some resentment against us after we let it go up empty earlier. I feel nervous and proud taking Jimin up to my floor and to introduce him to Jisoo. I never take anyone to my office if it's not for work, only Namjoon stops by every now and then since he's usually on the 9th floor already anyway.

We exit the elevator and I lead the way to my office with Jimin quietly following me. I can feel he's a bit uncomfortable suddenly. What would it be like for people to walk into the JinHit office like this for the first time? I remember I was quite nervous, but I came in for a job interview. I felt small and the building felt important. Shaking many hands, smiling, talking. Luckily I already knew Seokjin quite well at that point, he has a certain charm and humour that makes you feel comfortable and welcome.

I open the door of our little producer cave and hope Jisoo behaves and doesn't start asking about Jungkook too soon.

"Morning Jisoo."

"Morning. Oh, you brought a -" Her face freezes for a moment before standing up. "Park Jimin?" Her hand is covering her mouth, trying to hide her surprised expression.

"Jisoo, this is Jimin. Jimin, Jisoo..."

"Hello, nice to meet you Jisoo." Jimin bows politely.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, believe me!"

"I ehh, I have something for you..." Jimin walks over to Jisoo and hands her the T-shirt. Watching him give her the gift makes my heart warm. He's such a sweetheart.

"No waaaay, really? Whoa... Thank you so much Jimin." Her eyes sparkle and she drops her jaw when she turns to look at me. I feel myself smiling widely.

"Yoongi told me you really like our videos, thank you for supporting us Jisoo."

"Oh you've been gossiping about me Yoongi-ya?" She asks cheekily.

"Ha, don't flatter yourself." I mumble as I walk over to my desk and perch myself on the edge of it while folding my arms. I try to give her a stern look, hoping she understands I don't want her to get too cheeky and embarrass me now.

"Well, he has told me a lot about you as well Jimin." Jisoo assures, making it obvious that my stern look had no effect on her whatsoever. I really wish she hadn't said that, as I feel my cheeks get a bit warm.

"He has?"

"Yeah he always mentions your kindness and how amazing of a dancer you are." Jisoo is not lying, I actually do say that to her a lot, but it sounds extreme when she says it straight to Jimin's face. I try to give her another look, but she's not paying attention to me.

"Oh, he never told me that." Jimin turns and makes a funny face at me with a scrunched nose. My hands are suddenly sweating and I shift my body nervously. Damn you Jisoo. But it's true that I never told Jimin how much I admire his dancing. Do I even know why I haven't?

"I ehh..." Come on words, where are you hiding? "You never asked." Okay, not the vibe I was going for, but fine.

"Oh, do I need to ask you for compliments?"

"Heh, I mean..." Yeah, what do I mean, really?

"Can I have another compliment then?" Jimin folds his arms and raises his eyebrows at me with a cheeky smirk.

"What? W-why?"

"Why not?"

"Well... Y-you..."

Jimin starts laughing and squeezes my arm. "I'm joking hyung..."

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