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My glass of water soothes my throat after a long day. Production days always dehydrate the shit out of me. I eagerly empty my glass and return my focus to Jisoo, who is marking some things off of a list with one of the production crew members. I'm always grateful for her work on these days, she takes care of most of the meta work so I can focus on being a charming host. I watch how she gives some directions to the crew member and turns back to me with a sigh and a wide smile.

"Oh man, this went exactly as I had hoped. Well done." She pats me on my shoulder. "I don't know what you said to Jimin before the show, but it worked."

"You mean it was flirty enough for you?" I chuckle.

"Oh yeah, it almost seemed like Jungkook was in on it." She starts writing some notes on her notepad.

"Okay but, Jisoo, please don't let the editors exaggerate this too much. I get it that it's funny to have some lighthearted flirting on an episode, but the focus has to be Lachimolala. I don't want any unnecessary gossip to start." I frown. I really don't think we were flirting that much, but with post-production you can make a lot of things seem very believable. Jisoo better keep in mind this is just a talk show.

"Yeah yeah, I know... I'll make sure they don't put any wedding bells in the intro." She winks. "But seriously though, are you still going to deny your crush on him?"

"Jisoo. We're just friends."

"That wasn't my question. But okay."

After returning to my dressing room I change back into my comfortable clothing. I let my mind run over the conversations I had with Jimin and Jungkook during the recording and I feel quite pleased with how it went. Jungkook spoke so warmly about how the dance group has welcomed him and it was so cute to see Jimin's eyes sparkle as he listened. You can really tell he cares a lot about his crew.

I tie the top of my hair back and walk to the table by the mirror to clean the make-up off of my face with a wet tissue. The mirror which has shown me a glimpse of what Jimin and I look like from a third person point of view. I start to wonder if Jimin really just sees me as a friend. Did we look platonic when we were dancing in the bar? Did we look platonic when we were sleeping on Namjoon's couch? I know we didn't look so platonic when I saw us in this mirror earlier. I suddenly feel his lips on my cheek again, as if he's right here in the room with me, but the mirror confirms I'm alone.

But a knock on the door is about to change that.

"It's open!"

The door slowly opens and to my surprise I see my crush stand in the doorway. "Jimin-ie, I thought you left already."

"I was planning to, but I got stuck talking to some people with Jungkook. I just managed to escape and wanted to see if you were still around." He enters the little room and closes the door behind him. Seeing him here again makes my heart rate speed up just enough to make my mind fuzzy. He could have just gone home, but he came back here.

"Oh, do you still need me for something?" I ask, trying to assume he's not here just because he wanted to see me.

"Hmm no. Just wanted to see you."

Damn. That could be a platonic thing to say, right? He walks over and perches himself next to me against the table. I look at him for a moment and smirk before turning back to the mirror to continue wiping my face. "Haven't you seen enough of me yet today?" I joke.

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